Prévention des blessuresLa prévention des blessures est la prévention et la réduction de la gravité des blessures causées par des mécanismes externes, tels que les accidents, avant que ceux-ci ne surviennent. Elle fait partie des domaines de la sécurité et de la santé publique. Elle a pour but d'améliorer d'améliorer la santé et la qualité de vie des populations. Les personnes extérieures à ce domaine utilisent souvent le terme de « blessure accidentelle ».
Public health interventionA public health intervention is any effort or policy that attempts to improve mental and physical health on a population level. Public health interventions may be run by a variety of organizations, including governmental health departments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Common types of interventions include screening programs, vaccination, food and water supplementation, and health promotion. Common issues that are the subject of public health interventions include obesity, drug, tobacco, and alcohol use, and the spread of infectious disease, e.
Santé communautaireLa santé communautaire est un domaine de la santé publique. Il implique une réelle participation de la communauté à l’amélioration de sa santé : réflexion sur les besoins, les priorités ; mise en place, gestion et évaluation des activités. On parle de santé communautaire lorsque les membres d’une collectivité, géographique ou sociale, réfléchissent en commun sur leurs ennuis de santé, expriment des besoins prioritaires et participent activement à la mise en place et au déroulement des activités les plus aptes à répondre particulièrement à ces priorités.
Protocole de soinsA medical guideline (also called a clinical guideline, standard treatment guideline, or clinical practice guideline) is a document with the aim of guiding decisions and criteria regarding diagnosis, management, and treatment in specific areas of healthcare. Such documents have been in use for thousands of years during the entire history of medicine. However, in contrast to previous approaches, which were often based on tradition or authority, modern medical guidelines are based on an examination of current evidence within the paradigm of evidence-based medicine.
Health care reformHealth care reform is for the most part governmental policy that affects health care delivery in a given place. Health care reform typically attempts to: Broaden the population that receives health care coverage through either public sector insurance programs or private sector insurance companies Expand the array of health care providers consumers may choose among Improve the access to health care specialists Improve the quality of health care Give more care to citizens Decrease the cost of health care Healthcare reform in the United States In the United States, the debate regarding health care reform includes questions of a right to health care, access, fairness, sustainability, quality and amounts spent by government.
Dental public healthDental Public Health (DPH) is a para-clinical specialty of dentistry that deals with the prevention of oral disease and promotion of oral health. Dental public health is involved in the assessment of key dental health needs and coming up with effective solutions to improve the dental health of populations rather than individuals. Dental public health seeks to reduce demand on health care systems by redirection of resources to priority areas. Countries around the world all face similar issues in relation to dental disease.
Département de la SantéA health department or health ministry is a part of government which focuses on issues related to the general health of the citizenry. Subnational entities, such as states, counties and cities, often also operate a health department of their own. Health departments perform food inspections and other health related inspections (the person who performs this job is often called a public health inspector), vaccination programs, free STD and HIV tests, tobacco enforcement and cessation programs, and other medical assistance programs.
Services de soins pour personnes âgéesvignette|200px|Le service de soins en gériatrie. Les services de soins pour les personnes âgées, aussi appelés encadrement médical des personnes âgées en tant que domaine professionnel, concernent la prise en charge et les soins donnés aux personnes âgées domiciliées dans des institutions et des établissements de santé qui proposent ce genre de services, comme l'assistance médicale à domicile, les services de soins ambulatoires, les maisons de repos et de soins pour les personnes âgées, la gérontopsychiatrie ou encore les unités de soins palliatifs et les hospices sans oublier les personnes âgées à domicile.
Équité en santéL'équité en santé est un concept de santé publique décrivant l'équité d'accès aux ressources de santé, pour des déterminants génétiques, socio-environnementaux et économiques de la santé variant selon les individus, familles et groupes sociaux ou sociétaux. L'équité peut être abordée du côté de l'offre (les pays ou régions pauvres ont une offre moindre en équipement médical, en médicaments...
Health facilityA health facility is, in general, any location where healthcare is provided. Health facilities range from small clinics and doctor's offices to urgent care centers and large hospitals with elaborate emergency rooms and trauma centers. The number and quality of health facilities in a country or region is one common measure of that area's prosperity and quality of life. In many countries, health facilities are regulated to some extent by law; licensing by a regulatory agency is often required before a facility may open for business.