Gene targeting is a biotechnological tool used to change the DNA sequence of an organism (hence it is a form of Genome Editing). It is based on the natural DNA-repair mechanism of Homology Directed Repair (HDR), including Homologous Recombination. Gene targeting can be used to make a range of sizes of DNA edits, from larger DNA edits such as inserting entire new genes into an organism, through to much smaller changes to the existing DNA such as a single base-pair change. Gene targeting relies on the presence of a repair template to introduce the user-defined edits to the DNA. The user (usually a scientist) will design the repair template to contain the desired edit, flanked by DNA sequence corresponding (homologous) to the region of DNA that the user wants to edit; hence the edit is targeted to a particular genomic region. In this way Gene Targeting is distinct from natural homology-directed repair, during which the ‘natural’ DNA repair template of the sister chromatid is used to repair broken DNA (the sister chromatid is the second copy of the gene). The alteration of DNA sequence in an organism can be useful in both a research context – for example to understand the biological role of a gene – and in biotechnology, for example to alter the traits of an organism (e.g. to improve crop plants).
To create a gene-targeted organism, DNA must be introduced into its cells. This DNA must contain all of the parts necessary to complete the gene targeting. At a minimum this is the homology repair template, containing the desired edit flanked by regions of DNA homologous (identical in sequence to) the targeted region (these homologous regions are called “homology arms” ). Often a reporter gene and/or a selectable marker is also required, to help identify and select for cells (or “events”) where GT has actually occurred. It is also common practice to increase GT rates by causing a double-strand-break (DSB) in the targeted DNA region. Hence the genes encoding for the site-specific-nuclease of interest may also be transformed along with the repair template.
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Explore les applications du CRISPR-Cas dans l'édition de génomes, en mettant l'accent sur l'ingénierie des génomes bactériens, la guérison des maladies génétiques, guide la simplicité de l'ARN, la spécificité du Cas9, les mécanismes de dommages à l'ADN et l'édition de base.
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alt=|vignette|295x295px|Schéma général du processus de modification localisée du génome. L'édition génomique ou modification localisée de séquence génomique (genome editing pour les anglophones) regroupe un ensemble de techniques de manipulation du génome visant à la modification du matériel (et donc de l'information) génétique. Ces techniques sont plus précises et ciblées que les techniques OGM historiques qui consistent à modifier ces organismes par transgenèse, procédé qui introduit un fragment d'ADN exogène à un emplacement aléatoire du génome.
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