The one-way or measurement-based quantum computer (MBQC) is a method of quantum computing that first prepares an entangled resource state, usually a cluster state or graph state, then performs single qubit measurements on it. It is "one-way" because the resource state is destroyed by the measurements. The outcome of each individual measurement is random, but they are related in such a way that the computation always succeeds. In general, the choices of basis for later measurements need to depend on the results of earlier measurements, and hence the measurements cannot all be performed at the same time. The hardware implementation of MBQC mainly relies on photonic devices, due to the difficulty of entangling photons without measurements, and the relative simplicity of creating and measuring them. However, MBQC is also possible with matter-based qubits. The process of entanglement and measurement can be described with the help of graph tools and group theory, in particular by the elements from the stabilizer group. The purpose of quantum computing focuses on building an information theory with the features of quantum mechanics: instead of encoding a binary unit of information (bit), which can be switched to 1 or 0, a quantum binary unit of information (qubit) can simultaneously turn to be 0 and 1 at the same time, thanks to the phenomenon called superposition. Another key feature for quantum computing relies on the entanglement between the qubits. In the quantum logic gate model, a set of qubits, called register, is prepared at the beginning of the computation, then a set of logic operations over the qubits, carried by unitary operators, is implemented. A quantum circuit is formed by a register of qubits on which unitary transformations are applied over the qubits. In the measurement-based quantum computation, instead of implementing a logic operation via unitary transformations, the same operation is executed by entangling a number of input qubits with a cluster of ancillary qubits, forming an overall source state of qubits, and then measuring a number of them.