The students will acquire a solid knowledge on the processes necessary to design, write and use scientific software. Software design techniques will be used to program a multi-usage particles code, ai
The student will learn state-of-the-art algorithms for solving differential equations. The analysis and implementation of these algorithms will be discussed in some detail.
This course provides an overview of advanced techniques for solving large-scale linear algebra problems, as they typically arise in applications. A central goal of this course is to give the ability t
Le cours présente des méthodes numériques pour la résolution de problèmes mathématiques comme des systèmes d'équations linéaires ou non linéaires, approximation de fonctions, intégration et dérivation
This course provides an overview of key advances in continuous optimization and statistical analysis for machine learning. We review recent learning formulations and models as well as their guarantees
This course teaches the students practical skills needed for solving modern physics problems by means of computation. A number of examples illustrate the utility of numerical computations in various d
This course aims to introduce the basic principles of machine learning in the context of the digital humanities. We will cover both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, and study and imple
In this course, students learn to design and master algorithms and core concepts related to inference and learning from data and the foundations of adaptation and learning theories with applications.
Aborder, formuler et résoudre des problèmes de physique en utilisant des méthodes numériques élémentaires. Comprendre les avantages et les limites de ces méthodes (stabilité, convergence). Illustrer d