Statistical Methods for Research WorkersStatistical Methods for Research Workers is a classic book on statistics, written by the statistician R. A. Fisher. It is considered by some to be one of the 20th century's most influential books on statistical methods, together with his The Design of Experiments (1935). It was originally published in 1925, by Oliver & Boyd (Edinburgh); the final and posthumous 14th edition was published in 1970. According to Denis Conniffe: Ronald A.
Estimation statisticsEstimation statistics, or simply estimation, is a data analysis framework that uses a combination of effect sizes, confidence intervals, precision planning, and meta-analysis to plan experiments, analyze data and interpret results. It complements hypothesis testing approaches such as null hypothesis significance testing (NHST), by going beyond the question is an effect present or not, and provides information about how large an effect is. Estimation statistics is sometimes referred to as the new statistics.
Alternative hypothesisIn statistical hypothesis testing, the alternative hypothesis is one of the proposed proposition in the hypothesis test. In general the goal of hypothesis test is to demonstrate that in the given condition, there is sufficient evidence supporting the credibility of alternative hypothesis instead of the exclusive proposition in the test (null hypothesis). It is usually consistent with the research hypothesis because it is constructed from literature review, previous studies, etc.
Fisher's methodIn statistics, Fisher's method, also known as Fisher's combined probability test, is a technique for data fusion or "meta-analysis" (analysis of analyses). It was developed by and named for Ronald Fisher. In its basic form, it is used to combine the results from several independence tests bearing upon the same overall hypothesis (H0). Fisher's method combines extreme value probabilities from each test, commonly known as "p-values", into one test statistic (X2) using the formula where pi is the p-value for the ith hypothesis test.
Cohen's hIn statistics, Cohen's h, popularized by Jacob Cohen, is a measure of distance between two proportions or probabilities. Cohen's h has several related uses: It can be used to describe the difference between two proportions as "small", "medium", or "large". It can be used to determine if the difference between two proportions is "meaningful". It can be used in calculating the sample size for a future study. When measuring differences between proportions, Cohen's h can be used in conjunction with hypothesis testing.
Biais de publicationUn biais de publication désigne en science le fait que les chercheurs et les revues scientifiques ont bien plus tendance à publier des expériences ayant obtenu un résultat positif (statistiquement significatif) que des expériences ayant obtenu un résultat négatif (soutenant l'hypothèse nulle). Ce biais de publication donne aux lecteurs une perception biaisée (vers le positif) de l'état de la recherche. Plusieurs causes au biais de publication ont été avancées. En 1977, Michael J.
False positive rateIn statistics, when performing multiple comparisons, a false positive ratio (also known as fall-out or false alarm ratio) is the probability of falsely rejecting the null hypothesis for a particular test. The false positive rate is calculated as the ratio between the number of negative events wrongly categorized as positive (false positives) and the total number of actual negative events (regardless of classification). The false positive rate (or "false alarm rate") usually refers to the expectancy of the false positive ratio.
Test exact de FisherEn statistique, le test exact de Fisher est un test statistique exact utilisé pour l'analyse des tables de contingence. Ce test est utilisé en général avec de faibles effectifs mais il est valide pour toutes les tailles d'échantillons. Il doit son nom à son inventeur, Ronald Fisher. C'est un test qualifié d'exact car les probabilités peuvent être calculées exactement plutôt qu'en s'appuyant sur une approximation qui ne devient correcte qu'asymptotiquement comme pour le test du utilisé dans les tables de contingence.
Règle 68-95-99,7vignette|Illustration de la règle 68-95-99.7 (à partir d'une expérience réelle, ce qui explique l'asymétrie par rapport à la loi normale). En statistique, la règle 68-95-99,7 (ou règle des trois sigmas ou règle empirique) indique que pour une loi normale, presque toutes les valeurs se situent dans un intervalle centré autour de la moyenne et dont les bornes se situent à trois écarts-types de part et d'autre de celle-ci. Environ 68,27 % des valeurs se situent à moins d'un écart-type de la moyenne.