In mathematics, monodromy is the study of how objects from mathematical analysis, algebraic topology, algebraic geometry and differential geometry behave as they "run round" a singularity. As the name implies, the fundamental meaning of monodromy comes from "running round singly". It is closely associated with covering maps and their degeneration into ramification; the aspect giving rise to monodromy phenomena is that certain functions we may wish to define fail to be single-valued as we "run round" a path encircling a singularity. The failure of monodromy can be measured by defining a monodromy group: a group of transformations acting on the data that encodes what happens as we "run round" in one dimension. Lack of monodromy is sometimes called polydromy.
Let X be a connected and locally connected based topological space with base point x, and let be a covering with fiber . For a loop γ: [0, 1] → X based at x, denote a lift under the covering map, starting at a point , by . Finally, we denote by the endpoint , which is generally different from . There are theorems which state that this construction gives a well-defined group action of the fundamental group π1(X, x) on F, and that the stabilizer of is exactly , that is, an element [γ] fixes a point in F if and only if it is represented by the image of a loop in based at . This action is called the monodromy action and the corresponding homomorphism pi1(X, x) → Aut(H*(Fx)) into the automorphism group on F is the algebraic monodromy. The image of this homomorphism is the monodromy group. There is another map pi1(X, x) → Diff(Fx)/Is(Fx) whose image is called the topological monodromy group.
These ideas were first made explicit in complex analysis. In the process of analytic continuation, a function that is an analytic function F(z) in some open subset E of the punctured complex plane may be continued back into E, but with different values. For example, take
then analytic continuation anti-clockwise round the circle
will result in the return, not to F(z) but
In this case the monodromy group is infinite cyclic and the covering space is the universal cover of the punctured complex plane.
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In this course we will describe in numerous examples how methods from l-adic cohomology as developed by Grothendieck, Deligne and Katz can interact with methods from analytic number theory (prime numb
La théorie des représentations est une branche des mathématiques qui étudie les structures algébriques abstraites en représentant leurs éléments comme des transformations linéaires d'espaces vectoriels, et qui étudie les modules sur ces structures algébriques abstraites. Essentiellement, une représentation concrétise un objet algébrique abstrait en décrivant ses éléments par des matrices et les opérations sur ces éléments en termes d'addition matricielle et de produit matriciel.
En analyse complexe, le point de branchement ou point de ramification est un point singulier d'une fonction analytique complexe multiforme, telle que la fonction racine n-ième ou le logarithme complexe. En ce point s'échangent les différentes déterminations. Géométriquement, cette notion délicate est liée à la surface de Riemann associée à la fonction et relève de la question de la monodromie. Pour donner une image, cela correspond à un escalier en colimaçon dont l'axe (réduit à un point) est placé à la singularité, desservant plusieurs (voire une infinité) d'étages.
L'analyse mathématique regroupe sous le terme de fonctions spéciales un ensemble de fonctions analytiques non élémentaires, qui sont apparues au comme solutions d'équations de la physique mathématique, particulièrement les équations aux dérivées partielles d'ordre deux et quatre. Comme leurs propriétés ont été étudiées extensivement (et continuent de l'être), on dispose à leur sujet d'une multitude d'informations.
Introduced 50 years ago by David Kazhdan, Kazhdan's Property (T) has quickly become an active research area in mathematics, with a lot of important results. A few years later, this property has been generalized to discrete group actions by Robert J. Zimmer ...
Previously (Adv. Math. 360 (2020) art. id. 106895), we introduced a class (Z) over tilde of 2-local finite spectra and showed that all spectra Z is an element of (Z) over tilde admit a v(2)-self-map of periodicity 1. The aim here is to compute the K(2)-loc ...
The presence of focus-focus singularities in semi-toric integrables Hamiltonian systems is one of the reasons why there cannot exist global Action-Angle coordinates on such systems. At focus-focus critical points, the Liouville-Arnold-Mineur theorem does n ...