Paysage adaptatifLe paysage adaptatif (ou paysage de fitness, fitness landscape en anglais) est un outil utilisé en biologie évolutive pour visualiser les relations entre des génotypes et le succès reproductif. Le paysage adaptatif est une représentation de la fitness d’organismes, d’espèces ou de populations sous forme d’une carte topographique. Cette fitness, ou valeur sélective, est une mesure relative de la survie et de la reproduction. vignette|Croquis d'un paysage de fitness.
Fitness functionA fitness function is a particular type of objective function that is used to summarise, as a single figure of merit, how close a given design solution is to achieving the set aims. Fitness functions are used in evolutionary algorithms (EA), such as genetic programming and genetic algorithms to guide simulations towards optimal design solutions. In the field of EAs, each design solution is commonly represented as a string of numbers (referred to as a chromosome).
Crossover (genetic algorithm)In genetic algorithms and evolutionary computation, crossover, also called recombination, is a genetic operator used to combine the genetic information of two parents to generate new offspring. It is one way to stochastically generate new solutions from an existing population, and is analogous to the crossover that happens during sexual reproduction in biology. Solutions can also be generated by cloning an existing solution, which is analogous to asexual reproduction. Newly generated solutions may be mutated before being added to the population.
Global optimizationGlobal optimization is a branch of applied mathematics and numerical analysis that attempts to find the global minima or maxima of a function or a set of functions on a given set. It is usually described as a minimization problem because the maximization of the real-valued function is equivalent to the minimization of the function . Given a possibly nonlinear and non-convex continuous function with the global minima and the set of all global minimizers in , the standard minimization problem can be given as that is, finding and a global minimizer in ; where is a (not necessarily convex) compact set defined by inequalities .
Neural networkA neural network can refer to a neural circuit of biological neurons (sometimes also called a biological neural network), a network of artificial neurons or nodes in the case of an artificial neural network. Artificial neural networks are used for solving artificial intelligence (AI) problems; they model connections of biological neurons as weights between nodes. A positive weight reflects an excitatory connection, while negative values mean inhibitory connections. All inputs are modified by a weight and summed.
Universal DarwinismUniversal Darwinism, also known as generalized Darwinism, universal selection theory, or Darwinian metaphysics, is a variety of approaches that extend the theory of Darwinism beyond its original domain of biological evolution on Earth. Universal Darwinism aims to formulate a generalized version of the mechanisms of variation, selection and heredity proposed by Charles Darwin, so that they can apply to explain evolution in a wide variety of other domains, including psychology, linguistics, economics, culture, medicine, computer science, and physics.
Auto-organisationL'auto-organisation ou autoorganisation est un phénomène par lequel un système s'organise lui-même. Les systèmes physiques, biologiques ou écologiques, sociaux, ont tendance à s'organiser d'eux-mêmes. Il s'agit soit de l'organisation initiale du système lors de son émergence spontanée, soit lorsque le système existe déjà de l'apparition d'une organisation plus ou complexe. L'auto-organisation agit ainsi à l'encontre de l'entropie (on parle alors de néguentropie), qui est une mesure de désordre.
Biologie de l'évolutionEvolutionary biology is the subfield of biology that studies the evolutionary processes (natural selection, common descent, speciation) that produced the diversity of life on Earth. It is also defined as the study of the history of life forms on Earth. Evolution holds that all species are related and gradually change over generations. In a population, the genetic variations affect the phenotypes (physical characteristics) of an organism. These changes in the phenotypes will be an advantage to some organisms, which will then be passed onto their offspring.
Evolutionary programmingEvolutionary programming is one of the four major evolutionary algorithm paradigms. It is similar to genetic programming, but the structure of the program to be optimized is fixed, while its numerical parameters are allowed to evolve. It was first used by Lawrence J. Fogel in the US in 1960 in order to use simulated evolution as a learning process aiming to generate artificial intelligence. Fogel used finite-state machines as predictors and evolved them.
Système de classeursUn système de classeurs (Learning Classifier System ou LCS en anglais) est un système d'apprentissage automatique utilisant l'apprentissage par renforcement et les algorithmes génétiques. Ils ont été introduits par Holland en 1977 et développé par Goldberg en 1989 Un système de classeurs (aussi appelé classifiers) est composé d'une base de règles, appelée classeur, associés à un poids. Chaque règle est composée d'une partie condition et d'une partie action. Le classeur commence par être initialisé (aléatoirement ou non).