Philippe MichelPh. Michel's main research interest lie in the field of analytic number theory and range over a variety of techniques and methods which include: arithmetic geometry, exponential sums, sieve methods, automorphic forms and allied representations, L-functions and more recently ergodic theory.
Ph. Michel is a former student of ENS Cachan and obtained his PhD in Universté Paris XI in 1995 under the guidance of E. Fouvry. From 1995 to 1998 he was maître de conférence at Universté Paris XI and full professor at Université Montpellier II until 2008 then when he joined EPFL. Ph. Michel was awarded the Peccot-Vimont prize, has been member of the Institut Universitaire de France and wa invited speaker at the 2006 International Congress of Mathematician.
Yves WeinandBiography
Architect and civil engineer, Prof. Dr. Yves Weinand is one of the most recognised researchers in the field of contemporary wood construction. Founder of the Bureau d'Etude Weinand, he has, since 1996, designed and worked on many emblematic wooden buildings, such as the Saint Loup Chapel, the new Vaudois Parliament or, more recently, the Timber Pavilion of Vidy in Lausanne. His fundamental research questions the technical and static possibilities of wooden materials. The interdisciplinary exploration carried out at the EPFL's Laboratory for Timber Constructions (Ibois), of which he is director, concerns wood in all its aspects, from round wood to manufactured wood. The recent research carried out at Ibois on free structures with wood-wood connections (without screw nor glue) has been the subject of several technological transfers, and stands as tangible proof of new possibilities for wood construction. Yves Weinand is currently working on a large-scale project for a hall for the head office of a joinery in Luxembourg, consisting of a succession of arches with spans of 22.5 to 53.7m, entirely assembled in wood ). Through new innovative approaches, the ambition of his research is to develop a new generation of renewable and ecological wooden construction.He is regularly invited to present his work at international symposia on timber construction.
Fields of expertise
Architectural designTimber structuresDigital FabricationRobotic AssemblyStructural Wood mechanicsIntegrally Attached Timber plate structures
2012 Grand Prix d'Architecture de Wallonie
2014 Best Paper Award, Advances in Architectural Geometry conference. (IBOIS team)
2017 Medal for Research and Technique by the Academy of Architecture. 2018 Mention Régionale, Prix Lignum for the Timber Pavilion of Vidy-Lausanne
2019 "Disctinction Bois 2019" for the Nouveau Parlement vaudois.2019 Grand Prix d'Architecture de Wallonie____________________________________________________________________________
Selected publications
Les Cahiers de l'Ibois/ Ibois Notebooks 1, F. Fromonot, S. Berthier, Y. Rocher, publication directors: Y. Weinand et C. Catsaros, 2020 EPFL Press Le Pavillon en bois du Théâtre de Vidy, under the direction of Yves Weinand; V. Baudriller, J. Gamerro, M. Jaccard, C. Robeller; 2017, PPURAdvanced Timber Structures - Architectural Designs and Digital Dimensioning, Y. Weinand, 2017, Birkhaüser, publié en trois langues (french : Structures Innovantes en Bois (2016); german : Neue Holztragwerke - Architektonische Entwürfe und digitale Bemessung (2017)Grubenmann Project / Projekt Grubenmann, Y. Weinand, 2016, Stiftung Grubenmann-SammlungTimber Project: Nouvelles formes d’architectures en bois, Y. Weinand, 2010, PPURArchitexto, Y. Weinand and D. Darcis, 2009, Editions Fourre-Tout, LiègeLe bois soudé, B. Stamm and Y. Weinand, 2004, Architecture Bois & DépendanceNew Modeling - projeter ensemble, Y. Weinand, 2003, PPUR Jamie PaikProf. Jamie Paik is founder and director of the Reconfigurable Robotics Lab (RRL) of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) and a core member of Swiss NCCR robotics group. The RRL leverages expertise in multi-material fabrication and smart material actuation for novel robot designs. She received her PhD in Seoul National University on designing humanoid arm and a hand while being sponsored by Samsung Electronics. This 7-DoF humanoid arm was the lightest in the literature at that time being 3.7kg including the 8-DoF hand. During her Postdoctoral positions in the Institut des Systems Intelligents et de Robotic in Universitat Pierre Marie Curie, Paris VI, she developed laparoscopic tools named JAiMY that are internationally patented and commercialized now by At Harvard University’s Microrobotics Laboratory, she started developing unconventional robots that push the physical limits of material and mechanisms. Her latest research effort is in soft robotics including self-morphing Robogami (robotic origami) that transforms its planar shape to 2D or 3D by folding in predefined patterns and sequences, just like the paper art, origami.
Denis GilletDenis Gillet received the Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in 1988, and the Ph.D. degree in Information Systems also from the EPFL in 1995. During 1992 he was appointed as Research Fellow at the Information Systems Laboratory of Stanford University in the United States. He is currently Maître d'enseignement et de recherche at the EPFL School of Engineering, where he leads the React research group. His current research interests include Technologies Enhanced Learning (TEL), Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Human Devices Interaction (HDI) and Optimal Coordination of Complex and Distributed Systems. Denis Gillet is affiliated at EPFL with the Center for Intelligent Systems and the Center for Digital Education.
Gervais ChapuisCliquer ici pour une biographie plus complète
Etudes à l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Zurich (ETHZ) en Suisse. Après son diplôme de cristallographe obtenu en 1966, il prépare sa thèse dans la même institution sous la direction du Prof. A. Niggli qui a été défendue en 1972. Il a poursuivi durant trois ans ses travaux de recherche au Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory en Californie dans le laboratoire du Prof. D. H. Templeton, spécialiste bien connu dans la champ de la diffraction résonante. De retour en Suisse, il rejoint l'Institut de cristallographie nouvellement créé à l'Université de Lausanne sous la direction du Prof. D. Schwarzenbach. En 1991, il est nommé professeur ordinaire puis en 1999, directeur de l'Institut de cristallographie. En 2003, son unité est transférée à l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale à Lausanne où il est nommé professeur ordinaire.
G. Chapuis a présidé de nombreux comités et sociétés internationaux dans le domaine de la cristallographie. En particulier, il a présidé le comité des structures apériodiques de l'Union Internationale de cristallographie (IUCr). Il est également membre de la commission de l'enseignement de cette même organisation. Il a également présidé la société suisse de cristallographie.
G. Chapuis est co-éditeur du Journal Acta Crystallographica et participe dans de nombreux comités de lectures pour différentes revues scientifiques consacrées à la cristallographie et à la physique du solide.
Ses domaines de recherche couvrent plus spécifiquement l'étude théorique et expérimentale des structures apériodiques et en particulier les structures incommensurables par diffraction et dynamique moléculaire. Il est l'auteur de plus de trois cents articles scientifiques publiés dans des revues internationales avec arbitrage. De plus G. Chapuis se consacre au développement interactif de l'enseignement de la cristallographie avec les nouvelles technologies de communication accessibles sur Internet.