In mathematics, the Dedekind eta function, named after Richard Dedekind, is a modular form of weight 1/2 and is a function defined on the upper half-plane of complex numbers, where the imaginary part is positive. It also occurs in bosonic string theory.
For any complex number τ with Im(τ) > 0, let q = e2πiτ; then the eta function is defined by,
Raising the eta equation to the 24th power and multiplying by (2π)12 gives
where Δ is the modular discriminant. The presence of 24 can be understood by connection with other occurrences, such as in the 24-dimensional Leech lattice.
The eta function is holomorphic on the upper half-plane but cannot be continued analytically beyond it.
The eta function satisfies the functional equations
In the second equation the branch of the square root is chosen such that = 1 when τ = i.
More generally, suppose a, b, c, d are integers with ad − bc = 1, so that
is a transformation belonging to the modular group. We may assume that either c > 0, or c = 0 and d = 1. Then
Here s(h,k) is the Dedekind sum
Because of these functional equations the eta function is a modular form of weight 1/2 and level 1 for a certain character of order 24 of the metaplectic double cover of the modular group, and can be used to define other modular forms. In particular the modular discriminant of Weierstrass can be defined as
and is a modular form of weight 12. Some authors omit the factor of (2π)12, so that the series expansion has integral coefficients.
The Jacobi triple product implies that the eta is (up to a factor) a Jacobi theta function for special values of the arguments:
where χ(n) is "the" Dirichlet character modulo 12 with χ(±1) = 1 and χ(±5) = −1. Explicitly,
The Euler function
has a power series by the Euler identity:
Because the eta function is easy to compute numerically from either power series, it is often helpful in computation to express other functions in terms of it when possible, and products and quotients of eta functions, called eta quotients, can be used to express a great variety of modular forms.
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En analyse complexe, les fonctions elliptiques de Weierstrass forment une classe importante de fonctions elliptiques c'est-à-dire de fonctions méromorphes doublement périodiques. Toute fonction elliptique peut être exprimée à l'aide de celles-ci. Supposons que l'on souhaite fabriquer une telle fonction de période 1. On peut prendre une fonction quelconque, définie sur [0, 1] et telle que f(0) = f(1) et la prolonger convenablement. Un tel procédé a des limites. Par exemple, on obtiendra rarement des fonctions analytiques de cette façon.
En mathématiques, on appelle fonctions thêta certaines fonctions spéciales d'une ou de plusieurs variables complexes. Elles apparaissent dans plusieurs domaines, comme l'étude des variétés abéliennes, des espaces de modules, et les formes quadratiques. Elles ont aussi des applications à la théorie des solitons. Leurs généralisations en algèbre extérieure apparaissent dans la théorie quantique des champs, plus précisément dans la théorie des cordes et des D-branes.
In number theory, the partition function p(n) represents the number of possible partitions of a non-negative integer n. For instance, p(4) = 5 because the integer 4 has the five partitions 1 + 1 + 1 + 1, 1 + 1 + 2, 1 + 3, 2 + 2, and 4. No closed-form expression for the partition function is known, but it has both asymptotic expansions that accurately approximate it and recurrence relations by which it can be calculated exactly. It grows as an exponential function of the square root of its argument.
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Springer-Verlag New York, Ms Ingrid Cunningham, 175 Fifth Ave, New York, Ny 10010 Usa2011
In this paper we study the regularized Petersson product between a holomorphic theta series associated to a positive definite binary quadratic form and a weakly holomorphic weight-one modular form with integral Fourier coefficients. In [18], we proved that ...
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