Cours associés (32)
MICRO-570: Advanced machine learning
This course will present some of the core advanced methods in the field for structure discovery, classification and non-linear regression. This is an advanced class in Machine Learning; hence, student
MATH-413: Statistics for data science
Statistics lies at the foundation of data science, providing a unifying theoretical and methodological backbone for the diverse tasks enountered in this emerging field. This course rigorously develops
MATH-232: Probability and statistics
A basic course in probability and statistics
MATH-234(d): Probability and statistics
Ce cours enseigne les notions élémentaires de la théorie de probabilité et de la statistique, tels que l'inférence, les tests et la régression.
MATH-408: Regression methods
General graduate course on regression methods
MATH-240: Statistics
Ce cours donne une introduction au traitement mathématique de la théorie de l'inférence statistique en utilisant la notion de vraisemblance comme un thème central.
DH-406: Machine learning for DH
This course aims to introduce the basic principles of machine learning in the context of the digital humanities. We will cover both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, and study and imple
PHYS-512: Statistical physics of computation
This course covers the statistical physics approach to computer science problems ranging from graph theory and constraint satisfaction to inference and machine learning. In particular the replica and
MICRO-455: Applied machine learning
Real-world engineering applications must cope with a large dataset of dynamic variables, which cannot be well approximated by classical or deterministic models. This course gives an overview of method