Goat milk is the milk of domestic goats. Goats produce about 2% of the world's total annual milk supply. Some goats are bred specifically for milk. Goat milk naturally has small, well-emulsified fat globules, which means the cream will stay in suspension for a longer period of time than cow's milk; therefore, it does not need to be homogenized. Eventually, the cream will rise to the top over a period of a few days. If the milk is to be used to make cheese, homogenization is not recommended, as this changes the structure of the milk, affecting the culture's ability to coagulate the milk and the final quality and yield of cheese.
Dairy goats in their prime (generally around the third or fourth lactation cycle) average——of milk production daily—roughly —during a ten-month lactation, producing more just after freshening and gradually dropping in production toward the end of their lactation. The milk generally averages 3.5% butterfat.
List of goat milk cheeses
Goat milk is commonly processed into cheese, butter ("gutter"), ice cream, yogurt, cajeta and other products.
Goat cheese is known as fromage de chèvre ("goat cheese") in France. Some varieties include Rocamadour and Montrachet. Goat butter ("gutter") is white because goats produce milk with the yellow beta-carotene converted to a colorless form of vitamin A. Goat milk has less cholesterol.
Breast milk is the best nutrition for infants. If this is not an option, infant formula is the alternative. EFSA (European Food Safety Association) concluded in 2012 that goat milk protein is suitable as a protein source in infant and follow-on formulas. Ever since, goat milk-based infant formulas have rapidly gained popularity around the world, including the UK, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, China, Korea, Australia and New Zealand. These formulas are not produced by the infant formula multinationals but by companies that focus on specialties infant formulas. In the U.S. goat milk infant formula is not yet available.
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The course will deliver basic knowledge on the principles of food fermentation and enzyme technology. The course will also present benefits that food biotechnology can bring in terms of Nutrition & He
vignette|Chèvre domestique d'Angora, photographie (avant 1910) d'Eugène Trutat conservée au Muséum de Toulouse. vignette|Gandhi à Marseille en 1931 avec deux chèvres qui lui fournissaient sa ration quotidienne de lait. La chèvre domestique (Capra hircus Linnaeus, 1758 ou Capra aegagrus hircus) est une espèce de mammifères herbivore ruminant, appartenant à la famille des bovidés, sous-famille des caprins. La plupart du temps, les chèvres sont domestiquées, mais on les trouve aussi à l'état sauvage dans quelques contrées du Caucase, d'Iran, d'Afghanistan ou d'Irak.
Feta ou Féta (en φέτα) désigne un fromage caillé en saumure originaire de Grèce. Le nom de ce fromage est un emprunt à l’italien « fetta » (tranche) qui daterait du . L’appellation « feta » associée au fromage est attestée au . Elle caractérise un fromage produit selon des techniques précises. Ce type de fromage est traditionnellement fabriqué à partir de lait de brebis, parfois en association avec du lait de chèvre. Au cours du , une production de fromages similaires s’est développée ailleurs en Europe, puis dans le monde.
thumb|Miniature du XIV siècle montrant la traite d'une brebis. Le lait de brebis est le lait produit par la brebis pour alimenter son agneau. Utilisé dans l'alimentation humaine, il entre notamment dans la composition de nombreux fromages tels que la feta (Grèce), la ricotta (Italie) et le roquefort (France) mais il peut être consommé en tant que lait de boisson ou dans d'autres préparation (par exemple : confiture de lait de brebis).
S'insère dans la science de la fermentation alimentaire, couvrant le métabolisme du lactose, la fermentation alimentaire du soja, la production de lait humain, la fabrication de kimchis et l'isolement des bactéries.
S'engage dans l'utilisation de la fermentation pour la production de protéines alternatives, en mettant l'accent sur des technologies alimentaires durables et innovantes.
Simple Summary:& nbsp;After domestication in specific regions, livestock followed human migrations and colonized the whole world. During this population expansion, human and natural selection, together with demographic events, molded the livestock genome l ...
Protozoa comprise a major fraction of the microbial biomass in the rumen microbiome, of which the entodiniomorphs (order: Entodiniomorphida) and holotrichs (order: Vestibuliferida) are consistently observed to be dominant across a diverse genetic and geogr ...
Milk is a complex biological fluid composed mainly of water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and diverse bioactive factors. Human milk represents a unique tailored source of nutrients that adapts during lactation to the specific needs of the developing in ...