In quantum field theory, correlation functions, often referred to as correlators or Green's functions, are vacuum expectation values of time-ordered products of field operators. They are a key object of study in quantum field theory where they can be used to calculate various observables such as S-matrix elements. They are closely related to correlation functions between random variables, although they are nonetheless different objects, being defined in Minkowski spacetime and on quantum operators. For a scalar field theory with a single field and a vacuum state at every event (x) in spacetime, the n-point correlation function is the vacuum expectation value of the time-ordered products of field operators in the Heisenberg picture Here is the time-ordering operator for which orders the field operators so that earlier time field operators appear to the right of later time field operators. By transforming the fields and states into the interaction picture, this is rewritten as where is the ground state of the free theory and is the action. Expanding using its Taylor series, the n-point correlation function becomes a sum of interaction picture correlation functions which can be evaluated using Wick's theorem. A diagrammatic way to represent the resulting sum is via Feynman diagrams, where each term can be evaluated using the position space Feynman rules. The series of diagrams arising from is the set of all vacuum bubble diagrams, which are diagrams with no external legs. Meanwhile, is given by the set of all possible diagrams with exactly external legs. Since this also includes disconnected diagrams with vacuum bubbles, the sum factorizes into (sum over all bubble diagrams)(sum of all diagrams with no bubbles). The first term then cancels with the normalization factor in the denominator meaning that the n-point correlation function is the sum of all Feynman diagrams excluding vacuum bubbles While not including any vacuum bubbles, the sum does include disconnected diagrams, which are diagrams where at least one external leg is not connected to all other external legs through some connected path.
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