In control theory, a process variable (PV; also process value or process parameter) is the current measured value of a particular part of a process which is being monitored or controlled. An example of this would be the temperature of a furnace. The current temperature is the process variable, while the desired temperature is known as the set-point (SP).
Measurement of process variables is essential in control systems to controlling a process. The value of the process variable is continuously monitored so that control may be exerted.
Four commonly measured variables that affect chemical and physical processes are: pressure, temperature, level and flow. but there are in fact a large number of measurement quantities which for international purposes use the International System of Units (SI)
The SP-PV error is used to exert control on a process so that the value of PV equals the value of the SP. A classic use of this is in the
PID controller.
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Provide the students with basic notions and tools for the modeling and analysis of dynamic systems. Show them how to design controllers and analyze the performance of controlled systems.
Cours introductif à la commande des systèmes dynamiques. On part de quatre exemples concrets et on introduit au fur et à mesure un haut niveau d'abstraction permettant de résoudre de manière unifiée l
Séances de cours associées (31)
Concepts associés (3)
In cybernetics and control theory, a setpoint (SP; also set point) is the desired or target value for an essential variable, or process value (PV) of a control system, which may differ from the actual measured value of the variable. Departure of such a variable from its setpoint is one basis for error-controlled regulation using negative feedback for automatic control. Cruise control The SP-PV error can be used to return a system to its norm.
Une stratégie (ou topologie) de régulation est, pour un procédé industriel, l'organisation du système de contrôle-commande en vue de maintenir une grandeur physique dans une plage de tolérance donnée. Le choix de stratégie est très important dans les industries de transformation (par exemple les industries chimiques, papetières, agroalimentaires) en raison de la variabilité d'un nombre élevé de grandeurs physiques incidentes (dites « perturbations ») qui y sont présentes.
En mathématiques et en sciences de l'ingénieur, la théorie du contrôle a comme objet l'étude du comportement de systèmes dynamiques paramétrés en fonction des trajectoires de leurs paramètres. On se place dans un ensemble, l'espace d'état sur lequel on définit une dynamique, c'est-à-dire une loi mathématiques caractérisant l'évolution de variables (dites variables d'état) au sein de cet ensemble. Le déroulement du temps est modélisé par un entier .
The advent of digital concrete fabrication calls for advancing our understanding of the interaction of 3D printing with material rheology and print parameters, in addition to developing new measurement and control techniques. Thixotropy is the main challen ...
Convection in a layer inclined against gravity is a thermally driven non-equilibrium system, in which both buoyancy and shear forces drive spatio-temporally complex flows. As a function of the strength of thermal driving and the angle of inclination, a mul ...
Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are real-world processes that are controlled by computer algorithms. We consider CPSs where a centralized, software-based controller maintains the process in a desired state by exchanging measurements and setpoints with proces ...