Fortis and lenisIn linguistics, fortis and lenis (ˈfɔːrtᵻs and ˈliːnᵻs,_ˈlɛnᵻs; Latin for "strong" and "weak"), sometimes identified with 'tense' and 'lax', are pronunciations of consonants with relatively greater and lesser energy, respectively. English has fortis consonants, such as the p in pat, with a corresponding lenis consonant, such as the b in bat. Fortis and lenis consonants may be distinguished by tenseness or other characteristics, such as voicing, aspiration, glottalization, velarization, length, and length of nearby vowels.
Grand changement vocaliqueLe grand changement vocalique est une modification importante de la prononciation de l'anglais, qui eut globalement lieu au après avoir commencé à se manifester dès le . Il continua à s'étendre dans les endroits reculés jusqu'au . Ce changement affecta les voyelles longues du moyen anglais. Le grand changement vocalique fut étudié pour la première fois par le linguiste danois Otto Jespersen, qui inventa l'expression. La principale différence entre le moyen anglais et l'anglais moderne est dans la prononciation des voyelles longues.
Consonne dorsaleDorsal consonants are consonants articulated with the back of the tongue (the dorsum). They include the palatal, velar and, in some cases, alveolo-palatal and uvular consonants. They contrast with coronal consonants, articulated with the flexible front of the tongue, and laryngeal consonants, articulated in the pharyngeal cavity. The dorsum of the tongue can contact a broad region of the roof of the mouth, from the hard palate (palatal consonants), the flexible velum behind that (velar consonants), to the uvula at the back of the mouth cavity (uvular consonants).
Contact des languesLe contact linguistique se produit lorsque des locuteurs de deux ou plusieurs langues, ou variétés de langue, interagissent et s'influencent mutuellement. Il peut se produire aux frontières linguistiques, entre langues adstrates, ou à la suite d'une migration, avec une langue intrusive agissant soit comme superstrat, soit comme substrat. Le contact linguistique cause plusieurs phénomènes, dont la convergence linguistique, l'emprunt et la relexification. Il en résulte les pidgins, les créoles, la commutation de code et les langues mixtes.
Anglais irlandaisL'anglais irlandais (Hiberno-English ou Irish English) est une variation régionale de l'anglais qui est parlée en Irlande. L'orthographe est plus ou moins identique à celle de l'anglais britannique. Cependant, il peut y avoir de grandes différences au niveau du vocabulaire et des expressions journalières. /ʌ/, comme dans "cut" ou "run", est centralisé et plus arrondi. "any" et "many" riment avec "nanny" [æ]. /eɪ/, comme dans "rain" et "bay", devient [eː] ou parfois /ɛ/ comme dans "gave" ou "came" La distinction entre /ɔːr/ et /oʊr/ est maintenue, et "horse" et "hoarse" se prononcent donc différemment.
Agent (grammar)In linguistics, a grammatical agent is the thematic relation of the cause or initiator to an event. The agent is a semantic concept distinct from the subject of a sentence as well as from the topic. While the subject is determined syntactically, primarily through word order, the agent is determined through its relationship to the action expressed by the verb. For example, in the sentence "The little girl was bitten by the dog", girl is the subject, but dog is the agent.
Phonological history of English close front vowelsThe close and mid-height front vowels of English (vowels of i and e type) have undergone a variety of changes over time and often vary by dialect. Middle English had a long close front vowel /iː/, and two long mid front vowels: the close-mid /eː/ and the open-mid /ɛː/. The three vowels generally correspond to the modern spellings , and respectively, but other spellings are also possible. The spellings that became established in Early Modern English are mostly still used today, but the qualities of the sounds have changed significantly.
Alphabet phonétique internationalL'alphabet phonétique international (API) est un alphabet utilisé pour la transcription phonétique des sons du langage parlé. Contrairement aux nombreuses autres méthodes de transcription qui se limitent à des familles de langues, l'API est conçu pour couvrir l'ensemble des langues du monde. Développé par des phonéticiens français et britanniques sous les auspices de l'Association phonétique internationale, il a été publié pour la première fois en 1888.
International scientific vocabularyInternational scientific vocabulary (ISV) comprises scientific and specialized words whose language of origin may or may not be certain, but which are in current use in several modern languages (that is, translingually, whether in naturalized, loanword, or calque forms). The name "international scientific vocabulary" was first used by Philip Gove in Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961). As noted by David Crystal, science is an especially productive field for new coinages.
HomophoneA homophone (ˈhɒməfoʊn,_ˈhoʊmə-) is a word that is pronounced the same (to varying extent) as another word but differs in meaning. A homophone may also differ in spelling. The two words may be spelled the same, for example rose (flower) and rose (past tense of "rise"), or spelled differently, as in rain, reign, and rein. The term homophone may also apply to units longer or shorter than words, for example a phrase, letter, or groups of letters which are pronounced the same as another phrase, letter, or group of letters.