DéfinitionUne définition est une proposition qui met en équivalence un élément définissant et un élément étant défini. Une définition a pour but de clarifier, d'expliquer. Elle détermine les limites ou « un ensemble de traits qui circonscrivent un objet ». Selon les Définitions du pseudo-Platon, la définition est la . Aristote, dans le Topiques, définit le mot comme En mathématiques, on définit une notion à partir de notions antérieurement définies. Les notions de bases étant les symboles non logiques du langage considéré, dont l'usage est défini par les axiomes de la théorie.
Lexical definitionThe lexical definition of a term, also known as the dictionary definition, is the definition closely matching the meaning of the term in common usage. As its other name implies, this is the sort of definition one is likely to find in the dictionary. A lexical definition is usually the type expected from a request for definition, and it is generally expected that such a definition will be stated as simply as possible in order to convey information to the widest audience.
Circular definitionA circular definition is a type of definition that uses the term(s) being defined as part of the description or assumes that the term(s) being described are already known. There are several kinds of circular definition, and several ways of characterising the term: pragmatic, lexicographic and linguistic. Circular definitions are related to Circular reasoning in that they both involve a self-referential approach. Circular definitions may be unhelpful if the audience must either already know the meaning of the key term, or if the term to be defined is used in the definition itself.
World Wide Webvignette|Logo historique du World Wide Web par Robert Cailliau. vignette|Où la toile est née, plaque commémorant la création du World Wide Web dans les locaux du CERN. Le World Wide Web ( ; littéralement la « toile (d’araignée) mondiale », abrégé www ou le Web), la toile mondiale ou la toile, est un système hypertexte public fonctionnant sur Internet. Le Web permet de consulter, avec un navigateur, des pages accessibles sur des sites. L’image de la toile d’araignée vient des hyperliens qui lient les pages web entre elles.
Theoretical definitionA theoretical definition defines a term in an academic discipline, functioning as a proposal to see a phenomenon in a certain way. A theoretical definition is a proposed way of thinking about potentially related events. Theoretical definitions contain built-in theories; they cannot be simply reduced to describing a set of observations. The definition may contain implicit inductions and deductive consequences that are part of the theory. A theoretical definition of a term can change, over time, based on the methods in the field that created it.