Domaine fondamentalGiven a topological space and a group acting on it, the images of a single point under the group action form an orbit of the action. A fundamental domain or fundamental region is a subset of the space which contains exactly one point from each of these orbits. It serves as a geometric realization for the abstract set of representatives of the orbits. There are many ways to choose a fundamental domain. Typically, a fundamental domain is required to be a connected subset with some restrictions on its boundary, for example, smooth or polyhedral.
Étale fundamental groupThe étale or algebraic fundamental group is an analogue in algebraic geometry, for schemes, of the usual fundamental group of topological spaces. In algebraic topology, the fundamental group of a pointed topological space is defined as the group of homotopy classes of loops based at . This definition works well for spaces such as real and complex manifolds, but gives undesirable results for an algebraic variety with the Zariski topology.
Fundamental pair of periodsIn mathematics, a fundamental pair of periods is an ordered pair of complex numbers that defines a lattice in the complex plane. This type of lattice is the underlying object with which elliptic functions and modular forms are defined. A fundamental pair of periods is a pair of complex numbers such that their ratio is not real. If considered as vectors in , the two are not collinear. The lattice generated by and is This lattice is also sometimes denoted as to make clear that it depends on and It is also sometimes denoted by or or simply by The two generators and are called the lattice basis.
Rich Internet applicationUne rich Internet application (RIA), ou application Internet riche, est une application Web qui offre des caractéristiques similaires aux logiciels traditionnels installés sur un ordinateur. La dimension interactive et la vitesse d'exécution sont particulièrement soignées dans ces applications Web. Une RIA peut être : exécutée sur un navigateur Web. Aucune installation n'est requise ; exécutée localement dans un environnement sécurisé appelé sandbox (bac à sable).
Application webEn informatique, une application web (aussi appelée web application, de l'anglais et français) est une application manipulable directement en ligne grâce à un navigateur web et qui ne nécessite donc pas d'installation sur les machines clientes, contrairement aux applications mobiles. De la même manière que les sites web, une application web est généralement installée sur un serveur et se manipule en actionnant des widgets à l'aide d'un navigateur web, via un réseau informatique (Internet, intranet, réseau local, etc.