Exact solutions in general relativityIn general relativity, an exact solution is a solution of the Einstein field equations whose derivation does not invoke simplifying assumptions, though the starting point for that derivation may be an idealized case like a perfectly spherical shape of matter. Mathematically, finding an exact solution means finding a Lorentzian manifold equipped with tensor fields modeling states of ordinary matter, such as a fluid, or classical non-gravitational fields such as the electromagnetic field.
Fluid solutionIn general relativity, a fluid solution is an exact solution of the Einstein field equation in which the gravitational field is produced entirely by the mass, momentum, and stress density of a fluid. In astrophysics, fluid solutions are often employed as stellar models. (It might help to think of a perfect gas as a special case of a perfect fluid.) In cosmology, fluid solutions are often used as cosmological models.
Vacuum solution (general relativity)In general relativity, a vacuum solution is a Lorentzian manifold whose Einstein tensor vanishes identically. According to the Einstein field equation, this means that the stress–energy tensor also vanishes identically, so that no matter or non-gravitational fields are present. These are distinct from the electrovacuum solutions, which take into account the electromagnetic field in addition to the gravitational field.
Tokamak sphériquethumb|Intérieur d'un tokamak sphérique. Un tokamak sphérique est un dispositif de confinement magnétique de plasma de type tokamak permettant d'obtenir des réactions de fusions de nucléons. Un tokamak sphérique a un solénoïde central beaucoup plus fin qu'un tokamak classique. Une telle installation serait susceptible d'être utilisée pour produire de l'électricité.
Plasma stabilityThe stability of a plasma is an important consideration in the study of plasma physics. When a system containing a plasma is at equilibrium, it is possible for certain parts of the plasma to be disturbed by small perturbative forces acting on it. The stability of the system determines if the perturbations will grow, oscillate, or be damped out. In many cases, a plasma can be treated as a fluid and its stability analyzed with magnetohydrodynamics (MHD).
Dust solutionIn general relativity, a dust solution is a fluid solution, a type of exact solution of the Einstein field equation, in which the gravitational field is produced entirely by the mass, momentum, and stress density of a perfect fluid that has positive mass density but vanishing pressure. Dust solutions are an important special case of fluid solutions in general relativity. A pressureless perfect fluid can be interpreted as a model of a configuration of dust particles that locally move in concert and interact with each other only gravitationally, from which the name is derived.
Interchange instabilityThe interchange instability, also known as the Kruskal–Schwarzchild instability or flute instability, is a type of plasma instability seen in magnetic fusion energy that is driven by the gradients in the magnetic pressure in areas where the confining magnetic field is curved. The name of the instability refers to the action of the plasma changing position with the magnetic field lines (i.e. an interchange of the lines of force in space) without significant disturbance to the geometry of the external field.
Tokamakthumb|Vue intérieure du tore du Tokamak à configuration variable (TCV), dont les parois sont recouvertes de tuiles de graphite. Un tokamak est un dispositif de confinement magnétique expérimental explorant la physique des plasmas et les possibilités de produire de l'énergie par fusion nucléaire. Il existe deux types de tokamaks aux caractéristiques sensiblement différentes, les tokamaks traditionnels toriques (objet de cet article) et les tokamaks sphériques.
Reconnexion magnétiquedroite|vignette|380px|Reconnexion magnétique: Ce schéma est une coupe à travers quatre domaines magnétiques séparés par une interface propice à un phénomène de reconnexion. Deux séparatrices (voir texte) divisent l'espace en quatre domaines magnétiques avec un point critique (de stagnation) au centre de la figure. Les larges flèches jaunes indiquent le mouvement général du plasma. Les lignes magnétiques et le plasma qui les porte s'écoulent vers le centre à partir du haut (lignes rouges) et du bas (lignes bleues) de l'image, reconnectent au niveau de la zone critique, puis s'évacuent vers l'extérieur à gauche et à droite.
Solution aqueusevignette|Photo montrant la préparation d'une solution aqueuse au moment où est versé le soluté. En chimie, une solution aqueuse est une phase liquide contenant plusieurs espèces chimiques, dont une ultramajoritaire, l'eau (H2O, le solvant), et des espèces ultraminoritaires, les solutés ou « espèces chimiques dissoutes ».