Osvignette|250px|Illustration d'un fémur humain extraite de Henry Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body. vignette|250px|La forme des os traduit l'adaptation évolutive aux fonctions qu'ils remplissent pour l'organisme. vignette|250px|Os de pieds déformés par la lèpre. Un os est un organe des Vertébrés, essentiellement constitué d'un tissu conjonctif solidifié qu'on appelle aussi os. Grâce à leur structure, les os sont à la fois légers, souples et solides ; ceux des oiseaux contiennent de l'air et sont particulièrement légers.
Bone mineralBone mineral (also called inorganic bone phase, bone salt, or bone apatite) is the inorganic component of bone tissue. It gives bones their compressive strength. Bone mineral is formed predominantly from carbonated hydroxyapatite with lower crystallinity. Bone mineral is formed from globular and plate structures distributed among the collagen fibrils of bone and forming yet a larger structure. The bone salt and collagen fibers together constitute the extracellular matrix of bone tissue.
Bone graftingBone grafting is a surgical procedure that replaces missing bone in order to repair bone fractures that are extremely complex, pose a significant health risk to the patient, or fail to heal properly. Some small or acute fractures can be cured without bone grafting, but the risk is greater for large fractures like compound fractures. Bone generally has the ability to regenerate completely but requires a very small fracture space or some sort of scaffold to do so.
FractureUne fracture (Fx) est une rupture partielle ou complète d'un os. Dans les cas plus graves, l'os peut être cassé en plusieurs morceaux. Les premiers éléments pouvant faire penser à une fracture sont : le mécanisme : choc, chute ; la douleur, soudaine et localisée ; l'impotence fonctionnelle : il est douloureux ou impossible d'effectuer certains mouvements ; la déformation : formation d'un œdème (gonflement), angulation du membre (fracture avec déplacement), enfoncement ; la présence possible d'un hématome.
Bone remodelingBone remodeling (or bone metabolism) is a lifelong process where mature bone tissue is removed from the skeleton (a process called bone resorption) and new bone tissue is formed (a process called ossification or new bone formation). These processes also control the reshaping or replacement of bone following injuries like fractures but also micro-damage, which occurs during normal activity. Remodeling responds also to functional demands of the mechanical loading. In the first year of life, almost 100% of the skeleton is replaced.
Moelle osseusevignette|Moelle osseuse rouge et moelle osseuse jaune dans un os long. La moelle osseuse est un tissu situé au centre des os. Elle existe sous deux formes : la moelle osseuse rouge, où les cellules du sang sont produites (l'hématopoïèse), et la moelle osseuse jaune, surtout composée de graisse.
Consolidation osseuseLa consolidation osseuse est un processus de reconstruction de l'os à la suite d'une fracture osseuse. Le processus de consolidation comporte 3 phases : Elle débute immédiatement après la fracture avec formation d’un hématome périfracturaire (J0 à J20). Formation du cal mou (fibreux) (J20 à J30) Formation du cal dur (ossification) (J30 à J60) Elle a pour but d’adapter le segment osseux aux contraintes mécaniques (1 à 4 ans).
Finite strain theoryIn continuum mechanics, the finite strain theory—also called large strain theory, or large deformation theory—deals with deformations in which strains and/or rotations are large enough to invalidate assumptions inherent in infinitesimal strain theory. In this case, the undeformed and deformed configurations of the continuum are significantly different, requiring a clear distinction between them. This is commonly the case with elastomers, plastically-deforming materials and other fluids and biological soft tissue.
Strain-rate tensorIn continuum mechanics, the strain-rate tensor or rate-of-strain tensor is a physical quantity that describes the rate of change of the deformation of a material in the neighborhood of a certain point, at a certain moment of time. It can be defined as the derivative of the strain tensor with respect to time, or as the symmetric component of the Jacobian matrix (derivative with respect to position) of the flow velocity. In fluid mechanics it also can be described as the velocity gradient, a measure of how the velocity of a fluid changes between different points within the fluid.
Infinitesimal strain theoryIn continuum mechanics, the infinitesimal strain theory is a mathematical approach to the description of the deformation of a solid body in which the displacements of the material particles are assumed to be much smaller (indeed, infinitesimally smaller) than any relevant dimension of the body; so that its geometry and the constitutive properties of the material (such as density and stiffness) at each point of space can be assumed to be unchanged by the deformation.