Motivated by the recent generalization of the Haldane conjecture to SU(3) chains [Lajko et al., Nucl. Phys. B924, 508 (2017)] according to which a Haldane gap should be present for symmetric representations if the number of boxes in the Young diagram is a multiple of three, we develop a density matrix renormalization group algorithm based on standard Young tableaus to study the model with three boxes directly in the representations of the global SU(3) symmetry. We show that there is a finite gap between the singlet and the symmetric [3 0 0] sector Delta([3 0 0])/J = 0.040 +/- 0.006 where J is the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg coupling, and we argue on the basis of the structure of the low energy states that this is sufficient to conclude that the spectrum is gapped.
Donna Testerman, Martin W. Liebeck
Michele Ceriotti, Sergey Pozdnyakov