The theory of persistence, which arises from topological data analysis, has been intensively studied in the one-parameter case both theoretically and in its applications. However, its extension to the multi-parameter case raises numerous difficulties, where it has been proven that no barcode-like decomposition exists. To tackle this problem, algebraic invariants have been proposed to summarize multi-parameter persistence modules, adapting classical ideas from commutative algebra and algebraic geometry to this context. Nevertheless, the crucial question of their stability has raised little attention so far, and many of the proposed invariants do not satisfy a naive form of stability. In this paper, we equip the homotopy and the derived category of multi-parameter persistence modules with an appropriate interleaving distance. We prove that resolution functors are always isometric with respect to this distance. As an application, this explains why the graded-Betti numbers of a persistence module do not satisfy a naive form of stability. This opens the door to performing homological algebra operations while keeping track of stability. We believe this approach can lead to the definition of new stable invariants for multi-parameter persistence, and to new computable lower bounds for the interleaving distance (which has been recently shown to be NP-hard to compute in [2]).