This paper presents a self contained approach to the theory of convolution operators on locally compact groups (both commutative and non commutative) based on the use of the Figà–Talamanca Herz algebras. The case of finite groups is also considered.
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In abstract algebra, a finite group is a group whose underlying set is finite. Finite groups often arise when considering symmetry of mathematical or physical objects, when those objects admit just a finite number of structure-preserving transformations. Important examples of finite groups include cyclic groups and permutation groups. The study of finite groups has been an integral part of group theory since it arose in the 19th century.
The representation theory of groups is a part of mathematics which examines how groups act on given structures. Here the focus is in particular on operations of groups on vector spaces. Nevertheless, groups acting on other groups or on sets are also considered. For more details, please refer to the section on permutation representations. Other than a few marked exceptions, only finite groups will be considered in this article. We will also restrict ourselves to vector spaces over fields of characteristic zero.
In mathematics, the classification of finite simple groups is a result of group theory stating that every finite simple group is either cyclic, or alternating, or it belongs to a broad infinite class called the groups of Lie type, or else it is one of twenty-six or twenty-seven exceptions, called sporadic. The proof consists of tens of thousands of pages in several hundred journal articles written by about 100 authors, published mostly between 1955 and 2004.
The objective of this series is to study metric geometric properties of disjoint unions of Cayley graphs of amenable groups by group properties of the Cayley accumulation points in the space of marked groups. In this Part II, we prove that a disjoint union ...
In the class of Sobolev vector fields in R-n of bounded divergence, for which the theory of DiPerna and Lions provides a well defined notion of flow, we characterize the vector fields whose flow commutes in terms of the Lie bracket and of a regularity cond ...
We show that for a large class C of finitely generated groups of orientation preserving homeomorphisms of the real line, the following holds: Given a group G of rank k in C, there is a sequence of k-markings (G,S-n), n is an element of N whose limit in the ...