In mathematics, particularly , a representable functor is a certain functor from an arbitrary into the . Such functors give representations of an abstract category in terms of known structures (i.e. sets and functions) allowing one to utilize, as much as possible, knowledge about the category of sets in other settings.
From another point of view, representable functors for a category C are the functors given with C. Their theory is a vast generalisation of upper sets in posets, and of Cayley's theorem in group theory.
Let C be a and let Set be the . For each object A of C let Hom(A,–) be the hom functor that maps object X to the set Hom(A,X).
A functor F : C → Set is said to be representable if it is naturally isomorphic to Hom(A,–) for some object A of C. A representation of F is a pair (A, Φ) where
Φ : Hom(A,–) → F
is a natural isomorphism.
A contravariant functor G from C to Set is the same thing as a functor G : Cop → Set and is commonly called a . A presheaf is representable when it is naturally isomorphic to the contravariant hom-functor Hom(–,A) for some object A of C.
According to Yoneda's lemma, natural transformations from Hom(A,–) to F are in one-to-one correspondence with the elements of F(A). Given a natural transformation Φ : Hom(A,–) → F the corresponding element u ∈ F(A) is given by
Conversely, given any element u ∈ F(A) we may define a natural transformation Φ : Hom(A,–) → F via
where f is an element of Hom(A,X). In order to get a representation of F we want to know when the natural transformation induced by u is an isomorphism. This leads to the following definition:
A universal element of a functor F : C → Set is a pair (A,u) consisting of an object A of C and an element u ∈ F(A) such that for every pair (X,v) consisting of an object X of C and an element v ∈ F(X) there exists a unique morphism f : A → X such that (Ff)(u) = v.
A universal element may be viewed as a universal morphism from the one-point set {•} to the functor F or as an initial object in the of F.
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Gödel incompleteness theorems and mathematical foundations of computer science
Singular cohomology is defined by dualizing the singular chain complex for spaces. We will study its basic properties, see how it acquires a multiplicative structure and becomes a graded commutative a
This course will provide an introduction to model category theory, which is an abstract framework for generalizing homotopy theory beyond topological spaces and continuous maps. We will study numerous
In mathematics, specifically in , hom-sets (i.e. sets of morphisms between ) give rise to important functors to the . These functors are called hom-functors and have numerous applications in category theory and other branches of mathematics. Let C be a (i.e. a for which hom-classes are actually sets and not proper classes). For all objects A and B in C we define two functors to the as follows: {| class=wikitable |- ! Hom(A, –) : C → Set ! Hom(–, B) : C → Set |- | This is a covariant functor given by: Hom(A, –) maps each object X in C to the set of morphisms, Hom(A, X) Hom(A, –) maps each morphism f : X → Y to the function Hom(A, f) : Hom(A, X) → Hom(A, Y) given by for each g in Hom(A, X).
In mathematics, the Yoneda lemma is arguably the most important result in . It is an abstract result on functors of the type morphisms into a fixed object. It is a vast generalisation of Cayley's theorem from group theory (viewing a group as a miniature category with just one object and only isomorphisms). It allows the of any into a (contravariant set-valued functors) defined on that category. It also clarifies how the embedded category, of representable functors and their natural transformations, relates to the other objects in the larger functor category.
In , a branch of mathematics, a presheaf on a is a functor . If is the poset of open sets in a topological space, interpreted as a category, then one recovers the usual notion of presheaf on a topological space. A morphism of presheaves is defined to be a natural transformation of functors. This makes the collection of all presheaves on into a category, and is an example of a . It is often written as . A functor into is sometimes called a profunctor.
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