Explicit memory (or declarative memory) is one of the two main types of long-term human memory, the other of which is implicit memory. Explicit memory is the conscious, intentional recollection of factual information, previous experiences, and concepts. This type of memory is dependent upon three processes: acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval. Explicit memory can be divided into two categories: episodic memory, which stores specific personal experiences, and semantic memory, which stores factual information. Explicit memory requires gradual learning, with multiple presentations of a stimulus and response. The type of knowledge that is stored in explicit memory is called declarative knowledge, the counterpart to explicit memory is known as implicit memory, refers to memories acquired and used unconsciously such as skills (e.g. knowing how to get dressed) or perception. Unlike explicit memory, implicit memory learns rapidly, even from a single stimulus, and it is influenced by other mental systems. Sometimes a distinction is made between explicit memory and declarative memory. In such cases, explicit memory relates to any kind of conscious memory, and declarative memory relates to any kind of memory that can be described in words; however, if it is assumed that a memory cannot be described without being conscious and vice versa, then the two concepts are identical. Episodic memory Episodic memory consists of the storage and recollection of observational information attached to specific life-events. These can be memories that happened to the subject directly or just memories of events that happened around them. Episodic memory is what people generally think of when they talk about memory. Episodic memory allows for recalling various contextual and situational details of one's previous experiences. Some examples of episodic memory include the memory of entering a specific classroom for the first time, the memory of storing your carry-on baggage while boarding a plane, headed to a specific destination on a specific day and time, the memory of being notified that one are being terminated from their job, or the memory of notifying a subordinate that they are being terminated from their job.

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Cours associés (8)
HUM-358: Memory sciences
Décrire les processus cognitifs et cérébraux à l'œuvre dans les processus de mémoire et la formation de l'individualité. Identifier les différences et les similitudes entre approches neurobiologiques
HUM-432: How people learn: Designing Learning Tools I
The students will understand the cognitive and social factors which affect learning - particularly in science and engineering. They will be able to use social research techniques as part of the design
CS-411: Digital education
This course addresses the relationship between specific technological features and the learners' cognitive processes. It also covers the methods and results of empirical studies on this topic: do stud
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Concepts associés (26)
Repères temporels dans la mémoire autobiographique
Les repères temporels représentent les périodes de temps spéciaux de notre vie stockés dans la mémoire qui nous aident à organiser le stockage des autres événements. Ils jouent un rôle important dans la structuration de la mémoire autobiographique, la reconstruction et la consolidation des souvenirs stockés, l'encodage des nouveaux et la récupération des anciens souvenirs. Les repères temporels forment un système de référence personnel basé sur l'expérience et le passé personnel, différent pour chaque individu.
Mémoire (psychologie)
thumb|350px|Les formes et fonctions de la mémoire en sciences. En psychologie, la mémoire est la faculté de l'esprit d'enregistrer, conserver et rappeler les expériences passées. Son investigation est réalisée par différentes disciplines : psychologie cognitive, neuropsychologie, et psychanalyse. thumb|Pyramide des cinq systèmes de mémoire. Le courant cognitiviste classique regroupe habituellement sous le terme de mémoire les processus dencodage, de stockage et de récupération des représentations mentales.
Sommeil paradoxal
vignette|Polysomnographie. Encadré en rouge l'EEG lors du sommeil paradoxal, la barre rouge indique les mouvements oculaires. Le sommeil paradoxal, connu également comme le sommeil REM (Rapid Eye Movement), fait suite au sommeil lent (« sommeil à ondes lentes » désignant les stades 3 et 4), et constitue le cinquième et dernier stade d'un cycle du sommeil. Une « nuit » comprend de trois à six cycles successifs d'une durée chacun de 90 à 120 minutes.
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