In chemistry, specific rotation ([α]) is a property of a chiral chemical compound. It is defined as the change in orientation of monochromatic plane-polarized light, per unit distance–concentration product, as the light passes through a sample of a compound in solution. Compounds which rotate the plane of polarization of a beam of plane polarized light clockwise are said to be dextrorotary, and correspond with positive specific rotation values, while compounds which rotate the plane of polarization of plane polarized light counterclockwise are said to be levorotary, and correspond with negative values. If a compound is able to rotate the plane of polarization of plane-polarized light, it is said to be “optically active”.
Specific rotation is an intensive property, distinguishing it from the more general phenomenon of optical rotation. As such, the observed rotation (α) of a sample of a compound can be used to quantify the enantiomeric excess of that compound, provided that the specific rotation ([α]) for the enantiopure compound is known. The variance of specific rotation with wavelength—a phenomenon known as optical rotatory dispersion—can be used to find the absolute configuration of a molecule. The concentration of bulk sugar solutions is sometimes determined by comparison of the observed optical rotation with the known specific rotation.
The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics defines specific rotation as:
For an optically active substance, defined by [α]θλ = α/γl, where α is the angle through which plane polarized light is rotated by a solution of mass concentration γ and path length l. Here θ is the Celsius temperature and λ the wavelength of the light at which the measurement is carried out.
Values for specific rotation are reported in units of deg·mL·g−1·dm−1, which are typically shortened to just degrees, wherein the other components of the unit are tacitly assumed. These values should always be accompanied by information about the temperature, solvent and wavelength of light used, as all of these variables can affect the specific rotation.
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Un anomère est une configuration particulière retrouvée dans trois cas : la chimie des sucres (formes cycliques de sucres, diastéréoisomères d'hétéroside) ; la chimie des hémiacétals cycliques ; dans des familles de molécules apparentées qui ne diffèrent que par la configuration de carbone. En milieu aqueux, la forme linéaire du sucre est peu stable et tend à se cycliser en forme plus stable : pyranose (cycle à six atomes) ou furanose (cycle à cinq atomes).
Le maltose, aussi connu sous le nom de sucre de malt (car il apparaît dans les grains d'orge en germination), est un oligoside de 2 unités, composés de deux molécules de glucose. Le maltose est un diholoside (figure 1) de formule brute . Sa masse molaire est, comme tous les diholosides, de . Son nom officiel est l'α-D-glucopyranosyl(1→4)D-glucopyranose. Il peut être symbolisé par Glc-Glc. Il est parfois appelé di-glucose.
Le pouvoir rotatoire, est l'angle de déviation du plan de polarisation d'une lumière polarisée rectilignement, pour un observateur situé en face du faisceau incident. Il est lié à l'activité optique ou biréfringence circulaire, qui est la propriété qu'ont certains milieux (optiquement actifs) de faire tourner le vecteur d'un faisceau lumineux les traversant. Parfois, par abus de langage, le terme de pouvoir rotatoire est employé à la place d'activité optique.
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