HUM-410: Law and technology ICe cours présente le cadre légal applicable à certaines problématiques dans des domaines à caractère technique, tels que le droit de la construction, le droit de l'informatique, la biotechnologie, la
EE-320: Analog IC designIntroduction to the design of analog CMOS integrated circuits at the transistor level. Understanding and design of basic structures.
COM-406: Foundations of Data ScienceWe discuss a set of topics that are important for the understanding of modern data science but that are typically not taught in an introductory ML course. In particular we discuss fundamental ideas an
ME-201: Continuum mechanicsContinuum conservation laws (e.g. mass, momentum and energy) will be introduced. Mathematical tools, including basic algebra and calculus of vectors and Cartesian tensors will be taught. Stress and de
CIVIL-464: Composites design and innovationThe course offers the opportunity to gain practical experience in the characterization of fiber reinforced polymer and manufacturing/production methods for composite structures.
The material is prese
EE-205: Signals and systems (for EL)Ce cours pose les bases d'un concept essentiel en ingénierie : la notion de système. Plus spécifiquement, le cours présente la théorie des systèmes linéaires invariants dans le temps (SLIT), qui sont
PENS-200: La maîtrise du sol en droit suisseCe cours est une introduction au droit. Il a pour but de sensibiliser les étudiant-es des trois sections ENAC à
l'importance de cette discipline pour la pratique de leur métier respectif et, donc, pou
MATH-410: Riemann surfacesThis course is an introduction to the theory of Riemann surfaces. Riemann surfaces naturally appear is mathematics in many different ways: as a result of analytic continuation, as quotients of complex
PHYS-467: Machine learning for physicistsMachine learning and data analysis are becoming increasingly central in sciences including physics. In this course, fundamental principles and methods of machine learning will be introduced and practi