Goldberg polyhedronIn mathematics, and more specifically in polyhedral combinatorics, a Goldberg polyhedron is a convex polyhedron made from hexagons and pentagons. They were first described in 1937 by Michael Goldberg (1902–1990). They are defined by three properties: each face is either a pentagon or hexagon, exactly three faces meet at each vertex, and they have rotational icosahedral symmetry. They are not necessarily mirror-symmetric; e.g. GP(5,3) and GP(3,5) are enantiomorphs of each other.
Coupole hexagonaleIn geometry, the triangular cupola is one of the Johnson solids (J_3). It can be seen as half a cuboctahedron. The following formulae for the volume (), the surface area () and the height () can be used if all faces are regular, with edge length a: The dual of the triangular cupola has 6 triangular and 3 kite faces: The triangular cupola can be augmented by 3 square pyramids, leaving adjacent coplanar faces. This isn't a Johnson solid because of its coplanar faces.
Vertex arrangementIn geometry, a vertex arrangement is a set of points in space described by their relative positions. They can be described by their use in polytopes. For example, a square vertex arrangement is understood to mean four points in a plane, equal distance and angles from a center point. Two polytopes share the same vertex arrangement if they share the same 0-skeleton. A group of polytopes that shares a vertex arrangement is called an army. The same set of vertices can be connected by edges in different ways.
Polygone équilatéralEn géométrie, un polygone équilatéral est un polygone qui a tous ses côtés de même longueur. Il n'est régulier que si de plus il est équiangle, c'est-à-dire si tous ses angles ont la même mesure. En géométrie euclidienne traditionnelle, tous les triangles équilatéraux sont semblables entre eux et réguliers : leurs trois angles valent 60 degrés. Un quadrilatère équilatéral s'appelle un losange. Le seul losange régulier est le carré. Un polygone équilatéral n'est pas nécessairement convexe, ni même simple : 5-gon equilateral 03.
Rhombille tilingIn geometry, the rhombille tiling, also known as tumbling blocks, reversible cubes, or the dice lattice, is a tessellation of identical 60° rhombi on the Euclidean plane. Each rhombus has two 60° and two 120° angles; rhombi with this shape are sometimes also called diamonds. Sets of three rhombi meet at their 120° angles, and sets of six rhombi meet at their 60° angles. The rhombille tiling can be seen as a subdivision of a hexagonal tiling with each hexagon divided into three rhombi meeting at the center point of the hexagon.
Hexagramme (géométrie)A hexagram (Greek) or sexagram (Latin) is a six-pointed geometric star figure with the Schläfli symbol {6/2}, 2{3}, or {{3}}. Since there are no true regular continuous hexagrams, the term is instead used to refer to a compound figure of two equilateral triangles. The intersection is a regular hexagon. The hexagram is part of an infinite series of shapes which are compounds of two n-dimensional simplices. In three dimensions, the analogous compound is the stellated octahedron, and in four dimensions the compound of two 5-cells is obtained.
Polygone équianglevignette|Un quadrilatère équiangle est un rectangle. vignette|Un pentagone équiangle convexe. vignette|Un hexagone isogonal croisé. En géométrie euclidienne, un polygone équiangle est un polygone dont les angles internes sont égaux. Si les longueurs des côtés sont aussi égales, alors c'est un polygone régulier. Si les longueurs des côtés alternent, c'est un polygone isogonal. Le seul triangle équiangle est le triangle équilatéral. Les rectangles, dont le carré, sont les seuls quadrilatères équiangles.
Pavage petit rhombitrihexagonalIn geometry, the rhombitrihexagonal tiling is a semiregular tiling of the Euclidean plane. There are one triangle, two squares, and one hexagon on each vertex. It has Schläfli symbol of rr{3,6}. John Conway calls it a rhombihexadeltille. It can be considered a cantellated by Norman Johnson's terminology or an expanded hexagonal tiling by Alicia Boole Stott's operational language. There are three regular and eight semiregular tilings in the plane. There is only one uniform coloring in a rhombitrihexagonal tiling.
Chamfer (geometry)In geometry, chamfering or edge-truncation is a topological operator that modifies one polyhedron into another. It is similar to expansion, moving faces apart and outward, but also maintains the original vertices. For polyhedra, this operation adds a new hexagonal face in place of each original edge. In Conway polyhedron notation it is represented by the letter c. A polyhedron with e edges will have a chamfered form containing 2e new vertices, 3e new edges, and e new hexagonal faces.
Prisme hexagonal métabiaugmentéLe prisme hexagonal métabiaugmenté est un polyèdre faisant partie des solides de Johnson (J56). Comme le nom l'indique, il peut être construit en augmentant doublement un prisme hexagonal en attachant deux pyramides carrées (J1) à une face équatoriale ainsi qu'à une face équatoriale adjacente à la face opposée. (Le solide obtenu en attachant des pyramides à des faces équatoriales adjacentes n'est pas convexe, et donc n'est pas un solide de Johnson). Les 92 solides de Johnson ont été nommés et décrits par Norman Johnson en 1966.