In mathematics, the Neumann (or second-type) boundary condition is a type of boundary condition, named after Carl Neumann. When imposed on an ordinary or a partial differential equation, the condition specifies the values of the derivative applied at the boundary of the domain. It is possible to describe the problem using other boundary conditions: a Dirichlet boundary condition specifies the values of the solution itself (as opposed to its derivative) on the boundary, whereas the Cauchy boundary condition, mixed boundary condition and Robin boundary condition are all different types of combinations of the Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions. For an ordinary differential equation, for instance, the Neumann boundary conditions on the interval [a,b] take the form where α and β are given numbers. For a partial differential equation, for instance, where ∇2 denotes the Laplace operator, the Neumann boundary conditions on a domain Ω ⊂ Rn take the form where n denotes the (typically exterior) normal to the boundary ∂Ω, and f is a given scalar function. The normal derivative, which shows up on the left side, is defined as where ∇y(x) represents the gradient vector of y(x), n̂ is the unit normal, and ⋅ represents the inner product operator. It becomes clear that the boundary must be sufficiently smooth such that the normal derivative can exist, since, for example, at corner points on the boundary the normal vector is not well defined. The following applications involve the use of Neumann boundary conditions: In thermodynamics, a prescribed heat flux from a surface would serve as boundary condition. For example, a perfect insulator would have no flux while an electrical component may be dissipating at a known power. In magnetostatics, the magnetic field intensity can be prescribed as a boundary condition in order to find the magnetic flux density distribution in a magnet array in space, for example in a permanent magnet motor. Since the problems in magnetostatics involve solving Laplace's equation or Poisson's equation for the magnetic scalar potential, the boundary condition is a Neumann condition.
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Publications associées (2)

Regularity of solutions for a fourth-order elliptic system via Conservation law

Changyu Guo

In this paper, we obtain interior Holder continuity for solutions of the fourth-order elliptic system Delta(2)u = Delta(V center dot del u) + div(w del u) + W center dot del u formulated by Lamm and Riviere [Comm. Partial Differential Equations 33 (2008) 245-262]. Boundary continuity is also obtained under a standard Dirichlet or Navier boundary condition. We also use conservation law to establish a weak compactness result which generalizes a result of Riviere for the second-order problem.

Gaussian Curvature as an Identifier of Shell Rigidity

Davit Harutyunyan

In the paper we deal with shells with non-zero Gaussian curvature. We derive sharp Korn's first (linear geometric rigidity estimate) and second inequalities on that kind of shell for zero or periodic Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robin type boundary conditions. We prove that if the Gaussian curvature is positive, then the optimal constant in the first Korn inequality scales like h, and if the Gaussian curvature is negative, then the Korn constant scales like h(4/3), where h is the thickness of the shell. These results have a classical flavour in continuum mechanics, in particular shell theory. The Korn first inequalities are the linear version of the famous geometric rigidity estimate by Friesecke et al. for plates in Arch Ration Mech Anal 180(2): 183-236, 2006 (where they show that the Korn constant in the nonlinear Korn's first inequality scales like h(2)), extended to shells with nonzero curvature. We also recover the uniform Korn-Poincare inequality proven for "boundary-less" shells by Lewicka and Muller in Annales de l'Institute Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Anal 28(3): 443-469, 2011 in the setting of our problem. The new estimates can also be applied to find the scaling law for the critical buckling load of the shell under in-plane loads as well as to derive energy scaling laws in the pre-buckled regime. The exponents 1 and 4/3 in the present work appear for the first time in any sharp geometric rigidity estimate.
Springer Verlag2017
Personnes associées (1)
Concepts associés (13)
Condition aux limites de Robin
En mathématique, une condition aux limites de Robin (ou de troisième type) est un type de condition aux limites portant le nom du mathématicien français Victor Gustave Robin (1855-1897), qui a travaillé dans le domaine de la thermodynamique. Elle est également appelée condition aux limites de Fourier. Imposée à une équation différentielle ordinaire ou à une équation aux dérivées partielles, il s'agit d'une relation linéaire entre les valeurs de la fonction et les valeurs de la dérivée de la fonction sur le bord du domaine.
Condition aux limites de Neumann
En mathématiques, une condition aux limites de Neumann (nommée d'après Carl Neumann) est imposée à une équation différentielle ou à une équation aux dérivées partielles lorsque l'on spécifie les valeurs des dérivées que la solution doit vérifier sur les frontières/limites du domaine. Pour une équation différentielle, par exemple : la condition aux limites de Neumann sur l'intervalle s'exprime par : où et sont deux nombres donnés.
Problème aux limites
En analyse, un problème aux limites est constitué d'une équation différentielle (ou plus généralement aux dérivées partielles) dont on recherche une solution prenant de plus des valeurs imposées en des limites du domaine de résolution. Contrairement au problème analogue dit de Cauchy, où une ou plusieurs conditions en un même endroit sont imposées (typiquement la valeur de la solution et de ses dérivées successives en un point), auquel le théorème de Cauchy-Lipschitz apporte une réponse générale, les problèmes aux limites sont souvent des problèmes difficiles, et dont la résolution peut à chaque fois conduire à des considérations différentes.
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Cours associés (71)
ChE-403: Heterogeneous reaction engineering
The theoretical background and practical aspects of heterogeneous reactions including the basic knowledge of heterogeneous catalysis are introduced. The fundamentals are given to allow the design of m
CS-411: Digital education
This course addresses the relationship between specific technological features and the learners' cognitive processes. It also covers the methods and results of empirical studies on this topic: do stud
MSE-371: Practice of finite elements
Le but de ce cours est d'apprendre à réaliser de manière rigoureuse et critique des analyses par éléments finis de problèmes concrets en mécanique des solides à l'aide d'un logiciel CAE moderne.
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MOOCs associés (10)
Analyse I
Le contenu de ce cours correspond à celui du cours d'Analyse I, comme il est enseigné pour les étudiantes et les étudiants de l'EPFL pendant leur premier semestre. Chaque chapitre du cours correspond
Analyse I (partie 1) : Prélude, notions de base, les nombres réels
Concepts de base de l'analyse réelle et introduction aux nombres réels.
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