Schematic capture or schematic entry is a step in the design cycle of electronic design automation (EDA) at which the electronic diagram, or electronic schematic of the designed electronic circuit, is created by a designer. This is done interactively with the help of a schematic capture tool also known as schematic editor. The circuit design is the first step of actual design of an electronic circuit. Typically sketches are drawn on paper, and then entered into a computer using a schematic editor. Therefore schematic entry is said to be a front-end operation of several others in the design flow. Despite the complexity of modern components – huge ball grid arrays and tiny passive components – schematic capture is easier today than it has been for many years. CAD software is easier to use and is available in full-featured expensive packages, very capable mid-range packages that sometimes have free versions and completely free versions that are either open source or directly linked to a printed circuit board fabrication company. In past years, schematic diagrams with mostly discrete components were fairly readable. However, with the newer high pin-count parts and with the almost universal use of standard letter- or A4-sized paper, schematics have become less so. Many times, there will be a single large part on a page with nothing but pin reference keys to connect it to other pages. Readability levels can be enhanced by using buses and superbuses, related pins can be connected into a common bus and routed to other pages. Buses don't need to be just the traditional address or data bus directly linked pins. A bus grouping can also be used for related uses, such as all analog input or all communications related pin functions. After the circuit design is captured in a schematic, most EDA tools allow the design to be simulated. Schematic capture involves not only entering the circuits into the CAD system, but also generally calls for decisions that may seem more appropriate for later in the design, such as package choice.
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Concepts associés (7)
Composant électronique
Un composant électronique est un élément destiné à être assemblé avec d'autres afin de réaliser une ou plusieurs fonctions électroniques. Les composants forment de très nombreux types et catégories, ils répondent à divers standards de l'industrie aussi bien pour leurs caractéristiques électriques que pour leurs caractéristiques géométriques. Leur assemblage est préalablement défini par un schéma d'implantation d'un circuit électronique. alt=Un transistor, composant actif, boîtier ouvert.
Comparison of EDA software
This page is a comparison of electronic design automation (EDA) software which is used today to design the near totality of electronic devices. Modern electronic devices are too complex to be designed without the help of a computer. Electronic devices may consist of integrated circuits (ICs), printed circuit boards (PCBs), field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) or a combination of them. Integrated circuits may consist of a combination of digital and analog circuits.
Circuit design
The process of circuit design can cover systems ranging from complex electronic systems down to the individual transistors within an integrated circuit. One person can often do the design process without needing a planned or structured design process for simple circuits. Still, teams of designers following a systematic approach with intelligently guided computer simulation are becoming increasingly common for more complex designs.
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Cours associés (3)
EE-431: Advanced VLSI design
In this project-based course, students collect hands-on experience with designing full-custom digital VLSI circuits in dynamic logic. They learn to carry out the design and optimization on transistor
EE-320: IC design I
Introduction to the design of analog CMOS integrated circuits at the transistor level. Understanding and design of basic structures.
EE-429: Fundamentals of VLSI design
The course introduces the fundamentals of digital integrated circuits and the technology aspects from a designers perspective. It focuses mostly on transistor level, but discusses also the extension t