The punching shear resistance formulation provided by Model Code 2010 is calibrated on the basis of experimental tests on isolated slabs supported on columns. According to Level of Approximation approach, several quantities are required for the design punching shear resistance assessment, like the resisting moment and the radius of the line of moment contraflexure. In this paper specific formulations are provided to adjust these quantities in order to take into account for moment redistribution and compressive membrane action effects. The punching shear resistance, mostly investigated for axisymmetric cases, in terms of loading and boundary conditions, will be analysed referring to actual rectangular RC continuous floors with orthogonal reinforcement layouts, largely adopted in practice. The results of nonlinear finite element analyses, carried out using PARC_CL crack model, are post-processed according to the Critical Shear Crack Theory to predict the punching shear strength of the continuous slab.
Annalisa Buffa, Pablo Antolin Sanchez, Giuliano Guarino
Joachim Stubbe, Luigi Provenzano, Paolo Luzzini, Davide Buoso