In mathematics, a vector-valued differential form on a manifold M is a differential form on M with values in a vector space V. More generally, it is a differential form with values in some vector bundle E over M. Ordinary differential forms can be viewed as R-valued differential forms. An important case of vector-valued differential forms are Lie algebra-valued forms. (A connection form is an example of such a form.) Let M be a smooth manifold and E → M be a smooth vector bundle over M. We denote the space of smooth sections of a bundle E by Γ(E). An E-valued differential form of degree p is a smooth section of the tensor product bundle of E with Λp(T ∗M), the p-th exterior power of the cotangent bundle of M. The space of such forms is denoted by Because Γ is a strong monoidal functor, this can also be interpreted as where the latter two tensor products are the tensor product of modules over the ring Ω0(M) of smooth R-valued functions on M (see the seventh example here). By convention, an E-valued 0-form is just a section of the bundle E. That is, Equivalently, an E-valued differential form can be defined as a bundle morphism which is totally skew-symmetric. Let V be a fixed vector space. A V-valued differential form of degree p is a differential form of degree p with values in the trivial bundle M × V. The space of such forms is denoted Ωp(M, V). When V = R one recovers the definition of an ordinary differential form. If V is finite-dimensional, then one can show that the natural homomorphism where the first tensor product is of vector spaces over R, is an isomorphism. One can define the pullback of vector-valued forms by smooth maps just as for ordinary forms. The pullback of an E-valued form on N by a smooth map φ : M → N is an (φE)-valued form on M, where φE is the pullback bundle of E by φ. The formula is given just as in the ordinary case. For any E-valued p-form ω on N the pullback φ*ω is given by Just as for ordinary differential forms, one can define a wedge product of vector-valued forms.
Jean-Philippe Thiran, Erick Jorge Canales Rodriguez, Alessandro Daducci, Cristina Granziera, Muhamed Barakovic