In mathematics, localization of a category consists of adding to a inverse morphisms for some collection of morphisms, constraining them to become isomorphisms. This is formally similar to the process of localization of a ring; it in general makes objects isomorphic that were not so before. In homotopy theory, for example, there are many examples of mappings that are invertible up to homotopy; and so large classes of homotopy equivalent spaces. Calculus of fractions is another name for working in a localized category.
A C consists of objects and morphisms between these objects. The morphisms reflect relations between the objects. In many situations, it is meaningful to replace C by another category C''' in which certain morphisms are forced to be isomorphisms. This process is called localization.
For example, in the category of R-modules (for some fixed commutative ring R) the multiplication by a fixed element r of R is typically (i.e., unless r is a unit) not an isomorphism:
The category that is most closely related to R-modules, but where this map is an isomorphism turns out to be the category of -modules. Here is the localization of R with respect to the (multiplicatively closed) subset S consisting of all powers of r,
The expression "most closely related" is formalized by two conditions: first, there is a functor
sending any R-module to its localization with respect to S. Moreover, given any category C and any functor
sending the multiplication map by r on any R-module (see above) to an isomorphism of C, there is a unique functor
such that .
The above examples of localization of R-modules is abstracted in the following definition. In this shape, it applies in many more examples, some of which are sketched below.
Given a C and some class W of morphisms in C, the localization C[W−1] is another category which is obtained by inverting all the morphisms in W. More formally, it is characterized by a universal property: there is a natural localization functor C → C[W−1] and given another category D, a functor F: C → D factors uniquely over C[W−1] if and only if F sends all arrows in W to isomorphisms.
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In mathematics, the derived category D(A) of an A is a construction of homological algebra introduced to refine and in a certain sense to simplify the theory of derived functors defined on A. The construction proceeds on the basis that the of D(A) should be chain complexes in A, with two such chain complexes considered isomorphic when there is a chain map that induces an isomorphism on the level of homology of the chain complexes. Derived functors can then be defined for chain complexes, refining the concept of hypercohomology.
In mathematics, a weak equivalence is a notion from homotopy theory that in some sense identifies objects that have the same "shape". This notion is formalized in the axiomatic definition of a . A model category is a with classes of morphisms called weak equivalences, fibrations, and cofibrations, satisfying several axioms. The associated of a model category has the same objects, but the morphisms are changed in order to make the weak equivalences into isomorphisms.
In mathematics, the homotopy category is a built from the category of topological spaces which in a sense identifies two spaces that have the same shape. The phrase is in fact used for two different (but related) categories, as discussed below. More generally, instead of starting with the category of topological spaces, one may start with any and define its associated homotopy category, with a construction introduced by Quillen in 1967. In this way, homotopy theory can be applied to many other categories in geometry and algebra.
This course will provide an introduction to model category theory, which is an abstract framework for generalizing homotopy theory beyond topological spaces and continuous maps. We will study numerous
We extend the group-theoretic notion of conditional flatness for a localization functor to any pointed category, and investigate it in the context of homological categories and of semi-abelian categories. In the presence of functorial fiberwise localizatio ...
In this thesis, we study the homotopical relations of 2-categories, double categories, and their infinity-analogues. For this, we construct homotopy theories for the objects of interest, and show that there are homotopically full embeddings of 2-categories ...
Given two elliptic curves and the degree of an isogeny between them, finding the isogeny is believed to be a difficult problem—upon which rests the security of nearly any isogeny-based scheme. If, however, to the data above we add information about the beh ...