Modular representation theory is a branch of mathematics, and is the part of representation theory that studies linear representations of finite groups over a field K of positive characteristic p, necessarily a prime number. As well as having applications to group theory, modular representations arise naturally in other branches of mathematics, such as algebraic geometry, coding theory, combinatorics and number theory.
Within finite group theory, character-theoretic results proved by Richard Brauer using modular representation theory played an important role in early progress towards the classification of finite simple groups, especially for simple groups whose characterization was not amenable to purely group-theoretic methods because their Sylow 2-subgroups were too small in an appropriate sense. Also, a general result on embedding of elements of order 2 in finite groups called the Z* theorem, proved by George Glauberman using the theory developed by Brauer, was particularly useful in the classification program.
If the characteristic p of K does not divide the order |G|, then modular representations are completely reducible, as with ordinary (characteristic 0) representations, by virtue of Maschke's theorem. In the other case, when |G| ≡ 0 mod p, the process of averaging over the group needed to prove Maschke's theorem breaks down, and representations need not be completely reducible. Much of the discussion below implicitly assumes that the field K is sufficiently large (for example, K algebraically closed suffices), otherwise some statements need refinement.
The earliest work on representation theory over finite fields is by who showed that when p does not divide the order of the group, the representation theory is similar to that in characteristic 0. He also investigated modular invariants of some finite groups. The systematic study of modular representations, when the characteristic p divides the order of the group, was started by and was continued by him for the next few decades.
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In mathematics, the quasi-dihedral groups, also called semi-dihedral groups, are certain non-abelian groups of order a power of 2. For every positive integer n greater than or equal to 4, there are exactly four isomorphism classes of non-abelian groups of order 2n which have a cyclic subgroup of index 2. Two are well known, the generalized quaternion group and the dihedral group. One of the remaining two groups is often considered particularly important, since it is an example of a 2-group of maximal nilpotency class.
La théorie des représentations est une branche des mathématiques qui étudie les structures algébriques abstraites en représentant leurs éléments comme des transformations linéaires d'espaces vectoriels, et qui étudie les modules sur ces structures algébriques abstraites. Essentiellement, une représentation concrétise un objet algébrique abstrait en décrivant ses éléments par des matrices et les opérations sur ces éléments en termes d'addition matricielle et de produit matriciel.
En mathématiques et plus précisément en théorie des groupes, le groupe des quaternions est l'un des deux groupes non abéliens d'ordre 8. Il admet une représentation réelle irréductible de degré 4, et la sous-algèbre des matrices 4×4 engendrée par son image est un corps gauche qui s'identifie au corps des quaternions de Hamilton. Le groupe des quaternions est souvent désigné par le symbole Q ou Q8 et est écrit sous forme multiplicative, avec les 8 éléments suivants : Ici, 1 est l'élément neutre, et pour tout a dans Q.
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Let G be a simple linear algebraic group defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p ≥ 0 and let φ be a nontrivial p-restricted irreducible representation of G. Let T be a maximal torus of G and s ∈ T . We say that s is Ad-regular if α(s ...
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