An indictment (ɪnˈdaɪtmənt ) is a formal accusation that a person has committed a crime. In jurisdictions that use the concept of felonies, the most serious criminal offense is a felony; jurisdictions that do not use the felonies concept often use that of an indictable offense, an offense that requires an indictment.
Section 80 of the Constitution of Australia provides that "the trial on indictment of any offence against any law of the Commonwealth shall be by jury". The High Court of Australia has consistently used a narrow interpretation of this clause, allowing the Parliament of Australia to define which offences proceed on indictment rather than conferring a universal right to a jury trial. Section 4G of the Crimes Act 1914 provides that "offences against a law of the Commonwealth punishable by imprisonment for a period exceeding 12 months are indictable offences, unless the contrary intention appears".
A direct indictment is one in which the case is sent directly to trial before a preliminary inquiry is completed or when the accused has been discharged by a preliminary inquiry. It is meant to be an extraordinary, rarely used power to ensure that those who should be brought to trial are in a timely manner or where an error of judgment is seen to have been made in the preliminary inquiry. In the aftermath of the 2016 Jordan decision, in which the Supreme Court of Canada imposed time limits on the Crown to bring criminal cases to trial, the Crown has started to use the procedure more frequently.
In England and Wales (except in private prosecutions by individuals) an indictment is issued by the public prosecutor (in most cases this will be the Crown Prosecution Service) on behalf of the Crown, which is the nominal plaintiff in all public prosecutions under English law.
This is why a public prosecution of a person whose surname is Smith would be referred to in writing as "R v Smith" (or alternatively as "Regina v Smith" or "Rex v Smith" depending on the sex of the Sovereign, Regina and Rex being Latin for "Queen" and "King" and in either case may informally be pronounced as such) and when cited orally in court would be pronounced "the Crown against Smith".
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vignette|The Jury de John Morgan (1861) : jury criminel à Aylesbury, au Royaume-Uni. Un jury est un ensemble de citoyens, appelés des jurés, chargés de rendre un verdict dans un procès. Dans son sens commun, le jury regroupe l'ensemble des personnes chargées de sélectionner des candidats à un concours. Le système de jury trouve son origine dans le consilium (en français : conseil), mis en place dans les débuts de l'Inquisition au Moyen Âge, notamment à Toulouse au , où l'on atteste son existence dans des procès intentés par les inquisiteurs Bernard de Caux et Jean de Saint-Pierre.
Dans les pays de droit romano-germanique, le procureur est le représentant du ministère public chargé de la poursuite en justice, ou le représentant du gouvernement auprès de certains tribunaux. Son titre et ses fonctions exactes varient selon les systèmes juridiques. Dans les pays de common law, un procureur est au sens large un avocat qui représente une partie quelconque et dans un sens plus étroit, le terme désigne un avocat qui représente l'État.
Dans les juridictions de common law (ex. : Canada, États-Unis, Royaume-Uni, Irlande, Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Inde), un acte criminel (indictable offence) constitue une des deux classifications du crime et la plus importante relativement au degré de gravité qui lui est attribué. C'est une infraction criminelle pour laquelle une poursuite ne peut être intentée que par voie de mise en accusation.