Multisensory integration, also known as multimodal integration, is the study of how information from the different sensory modalities (such as sight, sound, touch, smell, self-motion, and taste) may be integrated by the nervous system. A coherent representation of objects combining modalities enables animals to have meaningful perceptual experiences. Indeed, multisensory integration is central to adaptive behavior because it allows animals to perceive a world of coherent perceptual entities. Multisensory integration also deals with how different sensory modalities interact with one another and alter each other's processing. Multimodal perception is how animals form coherent, valid, and robust perception by processing sensory stimuli from various modalities. Surrounded by multiple objects and receiving multiple sensory stimulations, the brain is faced with the decision of how to categorize the stimuli resulting from different objects or events in the physical world. The nervous system is thus responsible for whether to integrate or segregate certain groups of signals. Multimodal perception has been widely studied in cognitive science, behavioral science, and neuroscience. There are four attributes of stimulus: modality, intensity, location, and duration. The neocortex in the mammalian brain has parcellations that primarily process sensory input from one modality. For example, primary visual area, V1, or primary somatosensory area, S1. These areas mostly deal with low-level stimulus features such as brightness, orientation, intensity, etc. These areas have extensive connections to each other as well as to higher association areas that further process the stimuli and are believed to integrate sensory input from various modalities. However, recently multisensory effects have been shown to occur in primary sensory areas as well. Binding problem The relationship between the binding problem and multisensory perception can be thought of as a question – the binding problem, and potential solution – multisensory perception.
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Publications associées (120)
Concepts associés (22)
Multisensory integration
Multisensory integration, also known as multimodal integration, is the study of how information from the different sensory modalities (such as sight, sound, touch, smell, self-motion, and taste) may be integrated by the nervous system. A coherent representation of objects combining modalities enables animals to have meaningful perceptual experiences. Indeed, multisensory integration is central to adaptive behavior because it allows animals to perceive a world of coherent perceptual entities.
Sens (physiologie)
vignette|Les cinq sens d'après Aristote, représentés par leurs organes sensoriels inhérents : oreilles, yeux, langue, nez, peau. Du point de vue de la physiologie, les sens sont les systèmes sensoriels de la perception. Leur fonctionnement, leur classification, et la théorie épistémologique qui soutient leur étude sont abordés par plusieurs disciplines, principalement les neurosciences, mais aussi la psychologie cognitive (ou science cognitive), et toutes les philosophies et études sociales telle l’anthropologie ayant trait à la perception.
thumb|250px|Ommatidies de krill antarctique, composant un œil primitif adapté à une vision sous-marine. thumb|250px|Yeux de triops, primitifs et non mobiles. thumb|250px|Yeux multiples d'une araignée sauteuse (famille des Salticidae, composée d'araignées chassant à l'affut, mode de chasse nécessitant une très bonne vision). thumb|250px|Œil de la libellule Platycnemis pennipes, offrant un champ de vision très large, adapté à un comportement de prédation.
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Cours associés (5)
BIO-483: Neuroscience: behavior and cognition
The goal is to guide students into the essential topics of Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience. The challenge for the student in this course is to integrate the diverse knowledge acquired from those
EE-623: Perception and learning from multimodal sensors
The course will cover different aspects of multimodal processing (complementarity vs redundancy; alignment and synchrony; fusion), with an emphasis on the analysis of people, behaviors and interaction
NX-423: Translational neuroengineering
This course integrates knowledge in basic, systems, clinical and computational neuroscience, and engineering with the goal of translating this integrated knowledge into the development of novel method
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Séances de cours associées (31)
Réadaptation kinésthétique et tactique
Explore le toucher, la proprioception, les récepteurs cutanés, la psychophysique, les illusions haptiques, la substitution sensorielle et la rétroaction somatique dans la réadaptation.
Neuromodulation et contrôle de la moelle épinière
Explore la neuromodulation, le contrôle de la moelle épinière et le potentiel de récupération après une lésion de la moelle épinière grâce à des recherches innovantes et à des résultats révolutionnaires.
Réalité virtuelle : Immersion et présence
Plonge dans la réalité virtuelle immersive, la téléprésence et leurs fondements cognitifs, explorant leur impact sur la perception et l'action.
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