3D scanner is the process of analyzing a real-world object or environment to collect three dimensional data of its shape and possibly its appearance (e.g. color). The collected data can then be used to construct digital 3D models. A 3D scanner can be based on many different technologies, each with its own limitations, advantages and costs. Many limitations in the kind of objects that can be digitised are still present. For example, optical technology may encounter many difficulties with dark, shiny, reflective or transparent objects. For example, industrial computed tomography scanning, structured-light 3D scanners, LiDAR and Time Of Flight 3D Scanners can be used to construct digital 3D models, without destructive testing. Collected 3D data is useful for a wide variety of applications. These devices are used extensively by the entertainment industry in the production of movies and video games, including virtual reality. Other common applications of this technology include augmented reality, motion capture, gesture recognition, robotic mapping, industrial design, orthotics and prosthetics, reverse engineering and prototyping, quality control/inspection and the digitization of cultural artifacts. The purpose of a 3D scanner is usually to create a 3D model. This 3D model consists of a polygon mesh or point cloud of geometric samples on the surface of the subject. These points can then be used to extrapolate the shape of the subject (a process called reconstruction). If colour information is collected at each point, then the colours or textures on the surface of the subject can also be determined. 3D scanners share several traits with cameras. Like most cameras, they have a cone-like field of view, and like cameras, they can only collect information about surfaces that are not obscured. While a camera collects colour information about surfaces within its field of view, a 3D scanner collects distance information about surfaces within its field of view. The "picture" produced by a 3D scanner describes the distance to a surface at each point in the picture.
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Publications associées (8)
Concepts associés (28)
Modélisation tridimensionnelle
La modélisation tridimensionnelle est l'étape en infographie tridimensionnelle qui consiste à créer, dans un logiciel de modélisation 3D, un objet en trois dimensions, par ajout, soustraction et modifications de ses constituants. La révolution consiste à faire tourner un profil 2D autour d'un axe 3D : on obtient ainsi un volume de révolution. C'est la technique majoritairement utilisée dans le jeu vidéo, et le cinéma d'animation. La modélisation polygonale induit une marge d'erreur de proportions et de dimensions le plus souvent invisible à l'œil nu.
3D scanning
3D scanner is the process of analyzing a real-world object or environment to collect three dimensional data of its shape and possibly its appearance (e.g. color). The collected data can then be used to construct digital 3D models. A 3D scanner can be based on many different technologies, each with its own limitations, advantages and costs. Many limitations in the kind of objects that can be digitised are still present. For example, optical technology may encounter many difficulties with dark, shiny, reflective or transparent objects.
Télémètre laser
Un télémètre laser est un appareil permettant de mesurer les distances. Un rayon laser est projeté sur une cible qui renvoie à son tour le rayon lumineux. Le boîtier électronique calcule le déphasage entre l'émission et la réception. Un rayon modulé en fréquence est projeté sur une cible. La cible renvoie ce rayon vers l'appareil. Le temps mis par le rayon pour revenir est mesuré et la distance séparant l'utilisateur de la cible est calculée. Un principe voisin est utilisé par les forces de l’ordre pour effectuer des contrôles de vitesse.
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Cours associés (22)
MSE-704: 3D Electron Microscopy and FIB-Nanotomography
The principles of 3D surface (SEM) reconstruction and its limitations will be explained. 3D volume reconstruction and tomography methods by electron microscopy (SEM/FIB and TEM) will be explained and
BIO-603(SH): Practical - Stahlberg Lab
Cryo-electron microscopy structural analysis of proteins. The course aims at demonstrating the workflow from sample purification to determining the atomic structure of a soluble or membrane protein.
DH-404: Cultural data sculpting
This course will engage novel approaches for visualizing and interacting with cultural heritage archives in immersive virtual environments. (Please note that this class is given at the Lab in St-Sulpi
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Séances de cours associées (137)
Vectorworks Version éducative
Présente Vectorworks Version pédagogique pour les dessins architecturaux, les outils, les couches et les annotations.
Microscopie 3D et nanotomographie FIB
Couvre les techniques 3D en microscopie électronique, FIB Nanotomography, traitement d'image et sujets avancés.
Étude analytique de l'espace
Explore les repères, les coordonnées, les vecteurs, la coplanarité, les équations cartésiennes et les règles géométriques dans l'espace.
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