In mathematics, coalgebras or cogebras are structures that are (in the sense of reversing s) to unital associative algebras. The axioms of unital associative algebras can be formulated in terms of commutative diagrams. Turning all arrows around, one obtains the axioms of coalgebras. Every coalgebra, by (vector space) duality, gives rise to an algebra, but not in general the other way. In finite dimensions, this duality goes in both directions (see below). Coalgebras occur naturally in a number of contexts (for example, representation theory, universal enveloping algebras and group schemes). There are also F-coalgebras, with important applications in computer science. One frequently recurring example of coalgebras occurs in representation theory, and in particular, in the representation theory of the rotation group. A primary task, of practical use in physics, is to obtain combinations of systems with different states of angular momentum and spin. For this purpose, one uses the Clebsch–Gordan coefficients. Given two systems with angular momenta and , a particularly important task is to find the total angular momentum given the combined state . This is provided by the total angular momentum operator, which extracts the needed quantity from each side of the tensor product. It can be written as an "external" tensor product The word "external" appears here, in contrast to the "internal" tensor product of a tensor algebra. A tensor algebra comes with a tensor product (the internal one); it can also be equipped with a second tensor product, the "external" one, or the coproduct, having the form above. That they are two different products is emphasized by recalling that the internal tensor product of a vector and a scalar is just simple scalar multiplication. The external product keeps them separated. In this setting, the coproduct is the map that takes For this example, can be taken to be one of the spin representations of the rotation group, with the fundamental representation being the common-sense choice.